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我最喜欢市中心的现代艺术博物馆。My favorite is the Museum of Modern Arts in Midtown.

我去年还在市中心的麦迪逊大道上撞见她。I ran into her last year on Madison Avenue in midtown.

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布莎娜·纳吉从市中心办公大楼的窗户朝外望去。Bushra Naji looks out the window of her office building, in midtown.

我觉得,很多住在市中心的人在那儿度过午休时光。I mean, it's lot of people taking lunch breaks that live in midtown.

再或者,如果你要去南边,比如市中心的话。or you know, if you were to go south like in the midtown or downtown.

在周末,巴克海特和市中心都是不错的娱乐场所。The best places to find clubs in Atlanta are in Buckhead and in Midtown.

30多年后的今天,中城区正在蒸蒸日上,充满自信和自豪。Now, more than 30 years later, the Midtown area is thriving, growing, and proud.

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东京中城开张于2007年,位于六本木的高档混合开发区。Tokyo Midtown opened its doors in 2007 and is a mixed-use development in Roppongi.

库克女士失去了父亲,曼哈顿市区第四梯车队长大卫T伍力。Ms. Cooke lost her father, Capt. David T. Wooley of Ladder Company 4 in Midtown Manhattan.

我下榻在曼哈顿中城,人行道上还散落着一堆堆积雪。Intermittent piles of snow still dotted the sidewalks of midtown Manhattan, where I stayed.

曼哈顿中城区的白老汇是世界主流娱乐中心之一。Broadway in Midtown Manhattan is one of the leading entertainment centers all over the world.

马歇尔先生坐在曼哈顿市中心雷曼兄弟公司总部的会议室里,耸耸肩膀说。Marsal, shrugging as he sits in a conference room at Lehman's headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. Mr.

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您可以在室内的旋转浴池充分放松或是使用免费的无线网路连接。Rooms at the Midtown Savannah Quality Inn are equipped with free Wi-Fi, a microwave and coffee maker.

正好,早上我要去市中心做一个CNN的采访,择日不如撞日,今天我就杀奔苹果店了。And inasmuch as I had to be in midtown at the crack of dawn for a CNN hit, I figured today was the day.

我们位于市中心,在麦迪逊花园广场和“美铁”佩恩车站的对面。Our location in the heart of midtown is directly opposite Madison Square Garden and Amtrak's Penn Station.

市中心区那里着装要比较正式,且几乎每一个俱乐部都收费。Midtown has mainly swanky clubs with some bars, but everything there is a little dressier than in Buckhead.

一开始他们想通过中心事故来威吓这家被受权公司。At the outset there is the tentative hint of the first-due company bullying his way through midtown traffic.

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此刻,气温高达华氏90度,我正坐在中城区一家酒店叫人透不过气的客房里,置身于通风井不上不下的位置。I am sitting at the moment in a stifling hotel room in 90-degree heat, halfway down an air shaft, in midtown.

年初在曼哈顿中区,一个风投公司开了一整天的会议,议题是学校改革。Earlier this year in midtown Manhattan, a local venture capital firm staged a daylong conference on school reform.

汉正街区域具有位于城市中心区、商住极度混杂的特殊性。Locating in the midtown of Wuhan city, Hanzhengjie area has its particularity of hybrid of commerce and residence.