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这给了我们一个教训。T hist aught us a lesson.

希斯特正在厨房里搬动家具。Hist was stirring the furniture at the kitchen.

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中国是一个有著悠久历史的东方国家。China is an oriental country with a long hist ory.

孔子是我国历史上第一位编辑家。Confucius is the first editor in Chinese hist ory.

批评性话语分析已有30年的发展历史。Critical discourse analysis has a hist ory of 30 years.

她感到他的温存、他的情感和他的爱都是真挚的。She felt that hist derness, his passion, and his love were real.

为了让学生完全理解,老师讲得非常明确具体。The professor dotted his I ' s and crossed hist ' s in letting his students fully understand him.

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典型青岛老城区的内院,这个城市深受德国和日本的影响。Typical inner courtyard in the hist. oric of Qingdao, which is shaped by German and Japanese influences.

就其学科性质与研究方法而言,历史学实兼具人文科学与自然科学的特征。In terms of the nature of discipline and the research approaches, hist ory displays the characteristics of both social science and natural science.

个人的生活史,首先就是适应他的社团中祖祖辈辈传下来的行为模式和准则的历史。The life hist ory of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.

历史价值论探讨历史有无目的、有无进步,历史对人有什么意义以及如何认识历史意义的问题。Historical axiology inquires into the problems such as whether the aim of hist ory exists, whether the history is progressing, what the sense of history is and how to recognize it.

艺术的简约,处理好纪实与虚构的关系,理性地面对历史,是作者创作需要进一步解决的问题。The simplifying of art, properly de aling with the relations between documentary and fictions, rationally facing hist ory, these are the problems to be solved in future writers′ writing.