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我是昆明人。I'm from Kunming.

我来自昆明。I come from Kunming.

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昆明是春城。Kunming is the Spring City.

昆明是个美丽的地方。Kunming is a beautiful place.

你们中有多少人是昆明人?How many of you are from kunming?

昆明得康六分店在哪啊!Six branches be in Kunming Dekang!

云南省。昆明市。三市街6号。No. 6 Sanshi Street Kunming. yunnan.

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昆明是春城,很凉快。Spring City in Kunming is very cool.

昆明动物园就位于其中。En él se encuentra el zoo de Kunming.

由于温和的气候,昆明被称作春城。Kunming is called the City of Spring.

昆明哪里适合摆地摊?Where is Kunming fit to set up a stall?

那我们下山游览一番昆明湖吧!Then we went down a tour of Kunming lake!

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大家往前看,这就是碧波荡漾的昆明湖。You see, this is the rippling Lake Kunming.

丽江古城坐落在昆明的西北角。THE town of Lijiang lies northwest of Kunming.

昆明湖以它净净的湖水著名于世。The Kunming Lake is famous for its clean water.

我们中间好多人,包括莉丽在内,都去过昆明。Many of us, Lily included, have been to Kunming.

昆明男科医院哪家医院好啊?Kunming andrology hospital family hospital Well !

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看,昆明湖旁围着长长地堤岸。Look, Kunming lake surrounded by long embankment.

罗西正在远望着昆明这座美丽的城市。Rossi is looking out towards the city of Kunming.

你好,我叫保建昆,我来自昆明。Hello, My name is BaoJiankun, I come from KunMing.