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我要买一卷24张装的柯达胶卷。Can I have a 24-exposure roll of Kodak?

柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215.

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如果你们从这儿进,到柯达剧院,If you go right in here to the Kodak theatre,

柯达彩色胶卷的发明者曾是音乐家。The invention of 1 Kodak color films is musician.

柯达为徕卡量身定做了这款CCD。The CCD is made to Leica’s specifications by Kodak.

我认为叶莺带给柯达两点东西是最重要的。As far as two things I think that Ying brings to Kodak.

我认为叶莺带给柯达两点工具是最主要的。As far as two things I think that Ying brings to Kodak.

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照相机无法弥补这些,至少起初的时候不能。Kodak could not make up for that, at least not at first.

柯达公司在行业内一直处于标志性领先地位。The Eastman Kodak Company was an iconic industry leader.

1888年9月4日,伊斯曼注册了柯达的商标。On September 4th 1888 Eastman registered the trademark Kodak.

今年的颁奖典礼将在崭新的柯达剧院举行。This year the event will be held in the brand-new Kodak Theater.

第78届一年一度的奥斯卡金奖颁奖典礼将在洛矶山的柯达剧院举行。The 78th Annual Academy Awards are at Los Angeles's Kodak theater.

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伊士曼柯达公司称,他们“没有申请破产的意图”。Eastman Kodak has said it has "no intention of filing for bankruptcy".

柯达和富有士是进口胶卷,我们这也有国产的,比如说“乐凯”。Kodak and Fuji are imported films. We also sell homemade, such as Lekai.

多年前,作者曾与柯达的一位负责行销的经理做过一番探讨。Years ago I was discussing the situation with a Kodak marketing manager.

柯达卖的是软片,但他们不打软片的广告,他们打的广告是「回忆」。Kodak Sells film, but they do not advertise film. They advertise memories.

从2002年起,好莱坞的可达剧院成为颁奖典礼的永久举办地。In 2002, Hollywood's Kodak Theatre became the permanent home of the awards.

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柯达民主化与摄影的创始人,他就便卷底片。The founder of Kodak democratized photography with his handy rolls of film.

他们必须准备好随时放手,就像柯达放弃传统胶卷相机一样。They must be ready to let go, just as Kodak is doing on traditional cameras.

此前,他曾在伊士曼柯达公司和德勤会计师事务所。He previously was employed at Eastman Kodak Company and Deloitte & Touche LLP.