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婚姻如同一把锁。Wedlock is a padlock.

一个劣质的挂锁引发一个撬锁者。A bad padlock invites a picklock.

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他把门上的挂锁砸掉了。He hacked the padlock off the door.

我见他在我们背后把摇摇晃晃的门锁上了。I saw him padlock the rickety door behind us.

他们已经在他的公寓门上上了把挂锁。They had put a padlock on the door of his flat.

这是一家生产防盗锁地厂家。This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock.

这是一家生产防盗锁地厂家。E. g. This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock.

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安全门上锁是谁的馊主意?Whose hare-brained idea was it to padlock the fire exits?

比如在分区的条目旁边有一个锁形图标。Such partitions have a padlock icon next to their entries.

他们先用警戒带封锁整个车库,现在又把它锁了起来。They taped off the garage and have now put a padlock on it.

你可以点击挂锁了解跟多的安全信息。For more information about the security, you can click on the padlock.

他有枪,所以邻居们通常把他锁在屋里。He does have a gun. So the neighbors usually padlock him in his house.

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金属梯设置带挂锁设施和警告铭牌的隔板。The metal ladder has the diaphragm with padlock device and alarm nameplate.

这是一座又高又大的房子,旁边有一个很大的谷仓,门上挂着一把大铁锁。This was a big house and at the side was built a granary with a big padlock.

我把垃圾袋丢在地上,然后掏出钥匙开垃圾箱的挂锁。Dropping the bag to the ground, I pulled out the key to the Dumpster’s padlock.

配有两只外套农架附有可拆装的肩带、箱锁和姓名牌。Complete with two coat-hangers detachable shoulder strap padlock and a name tag.

而现在,提米和糖果脚尖儿一直用一把小挂锁把他们的坚果贮藏室闩好。And now Timmy and Goody Tiptoes keep their nut store fastened up with a little padlock.

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Bortamuly取下诊所门上的挂锁,走进手术室。Removing the padlock from theclinic door, Bortamuly stepped into a small operating room.

他的意思是我们所居住的世界只不过是真理狱门上的挂锁。He means that the world we live in is merely the padlock on the jailhouse door of reality.

海盗的粗犷设计挂锁2个USB闪存盘功能的256位硬件加密。The ruggedly designed Corsair Padlock 2 USB Flash Drive features 256-bit hardware encryption.