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它之前都是未可知的。It was unknown.

这是一个不明物体。It’s an unknown object.

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新等级范。围未知。New level ran. ge unknown.

不知水深浅,切勿涉河滩。Wade not in unknown water.

不知水深浅,千万莫轻涉。Wade not in unknown water.

所以只有一个未知量,aThere's only one unknown a.

在人所不知的诸般喜悦的爱之中。In the love of joys unknown.

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地址未详。The address is unknown to me.

这一切最后的结果还未知。The end ofall this is unknown.

作者生卒年月不详。The author's dates are unknown.

这辆卡车来历不明。The truck is of unknown origin.

他冒险驶入陌生的海域。He adventured on a unknown seas.

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这辆卡车来历不明。This truck is of unknown origin.

求解未知量。Solve for the unknown quantities.

你打开了通向未知的门。You open the door to the unknown.

这对河床来说是一个未知的世界。This is an unknown world to River.

我们喜欢未知带给我们的震撼。We love the thrill of the unknown.

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她干了什么尚不清楚。What she had done remains unknown.

然而他将默默无声地死去。Yet he will die unsought, unknown.

他去处不明。His present whereabouts is unknown.