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豪斯登堡是位于日本长崎附近的游乐园。Huis Ten Boch is an amusement park near Nagasaki in Japan.

相比之下,1945年美军在长崎投下的那颗原子弹的当量为2.1万吨。By comparison, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945 had a yield of 21 kilotons.

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在日本有出售广岛巧克力和长崎抹茶味冰激凌蛋卷吗?Hiroshima chocolate and Nagasaki machaflavored ice cream cones for sale in Japan?

托鲁·卡诺和梅·欧卡达都来自长崎,在伦敦上学时认识的。Toru Kano and May Okada are both from Nagasaki and met each other at school, in London!

我们从未忘记珍珠港事件。日本佬从未忘记广岛和长崎。就这么简单。We never forget Pearl Harbor. The Japs never forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As simple as pie.

但由于天气原因,美军飞行员最终向长崎投下了原子弹。However, the pilot choose to drop the A-bomb in Nagasaki due to the weather conditions at last.

在二战中投下另一颗原子弹的投弹手科密特·比罕于1989年去世。The only other man who has dropped a nuclear bomb in war, Nagasaki bombardier Kermit Beahan, died in 1989.

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Ishikawa团队是从日本长崎大学124位志愿者提供的血样中提取的DNA。Ishikawa's team extracted DNA from blood samples provided by 124 volunteers at Nagasaki University in Japan.

端岛是日本长崎县505个荒岛之一,距离长崎市15公里。End Island is one of 505 desert islands in Japan's Nagasaki Prefecture, 15 kilometers from the city of Nagasaki.

是因为很多日本人因暴露在广岛和长崎的核能量下而使DNA下跌到2股以下的缘故。Many Japanese have dropped below 2 strands of DNA due to the exposure of nuclear energy in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

1945年在广岛和长崎,日本作为唯一遭受核弹攻击的国家这一状况,更增添了公众对于核的敏感。Japan’s status as the only target of nuclear attack, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, adds to the public’s sensitivity.

但是,日本似乎不能忘记美国原子弹在广岛和长崎的爆炸,对美国的协助好像不太领情?But the Japanese cannot forget the American bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and are not grateful to the good help of America.

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山口勉之前就已被认定为1945年8月9日长崎原子弹爆炸的“被爆者”,意思是辐射幸存者。Tsutomu Yamaguchi had already been a certified "hibakusha, " or radiation survivor, of the 9 August 1945 atomic bombing in Nagasaki.

广岛和长崎的核辐射是较高剂量的穿透性辐射,持续时间短、强度大。The radiation exposure in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a short-lived, intense, exposure to relatively high doses of penetrating radiation.

在装货港长崎工人解开了几十捆,为的是用这些散件填充亏舱。The stevedores at the loading port of Nagasaki untied several score of bundles in order to fill the broken spaces with the loose pieces.

这次十兆吨级爆炸威力比二战中包括投在广岛和长崎的那两枚核裂变炸弹在内全部爆炸的总和大五倍。This 10-megaton blast was five times more powerful than combined, including the nuclear-fission bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

虽然如此,有些寄望著在广岛和长崎核爆蕈状云的边缘银光,能够带来终结第二次世界大战的希望。Even then, some looked for silver linings in the mushroom clouds from Hiroshima and Nagasaki that brought the second world war to a halt.

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一大早我们便乘坐前往高岛的渡轮离开了长崎市。We left from Nagasaki City early in the morning on a ferry bound for Takashima, and sipped coffees leisurely during the hour-long boat ride.

书中提到有30个人从广岛逃到了长崎,却凑巧赶上第二颗原子弹投落,不过都幸免于难。According to the book, 30 people are known to have fled Hiroshima for Nagasaki -- where they arrived just in time to survive the second bomb.

这只是因为人类在1945年广岛长崎的核弹被掷下以后已进入一个绝灭周期。This is simply because humanity has entered an extinction cycle after 1945 and the dropping of the nuclear bombs upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki.