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亚洲的邮轮行业正呈上升态势。In Asia, cruising is on the rise.

我们的巡航度现在达到了400公里。Our cruising speed is now up to 400 kms.

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我们的兵舰在太平洋上游弋。Our warship was cruising on the Pacific.

有很多人在公园里猎艳。There are a lots of men cruising the park.

在大肚子云下搜寻小虫。Cruising for bugs beneath the bellied cloud.

很多出租汽车在市区内缓缓行驶以招揽生意。Many taxis were cruising in the downtown area.

该船的最大巡航速度为22节。The ship's maximum cruising speed is 22 knots.

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双桅帆也是航行用船的一种常见结构。A ketch is a common rig for cruising sailboats.

有的单桅帆船也可能会多加一面竞速或航行用的三角帆。A sloop may also use a racing or cruising spinnaker.

在乡村公路上兜风,打开车的顶蓬。And cruising down a country road, with the top down.

临水而居,任心情自在游弋。Living in the water, the feeling comfortable cruising.

气轮机的巡航经济性较差。The steam turbine is less economical at cruising speed.

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这周,您就能在美国的大街小巷中看到它了。It'll be cruising on the streets of the U. S. A. this week.

几艘军舰正在地中海上游弋。Several warships are cruising around the Mediterranean Sea.

十二月二日母艇正在威克岛附近巡航。The mother sub was cruising near Wake Island on December 2.

那你是要开莎拉的车载美眉去兜风吗?BSo, you're going to use Sarah's car to go cruising for chicks?

飞机达到最大节油速度时,马达发出的嗡嗡声很好听。The motor hummed pleasantly as the plane reached cruising speed.

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大多数人对异性恋者像同性恋者一样在公共厕所聚集或四出猎艳感到迷惑不解。Why heterosexual men go cottaging or cruising baffles most people.

嘿,李梅……我想这个假期能去国外旅游。I feel like we're honeymooners, cruising out here on the Caribbean.

不过,我还是最快乐的巡航沿上,它大约18英里每小时。However, I was still most happy cruising along on it at about 18mph.