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他们高声谈论竞选问题。They were yammering away about candidacy.

然而,利文斯通当选也有很多不足。Still, there are drawbacks to a Livingstone candidacy.

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拟申请为学年度第学期硕士学位候选人。Apply for Academic Year Semester's master degree candidacy.

但是政党首领却大刀阔斧,削去了拉沙理的候选资格。Instead, Mr Razaleigh's candidacy was quashed by party chiefs.

记者们设下圈套,巧妙地使那位官员公布了自己是候选人。The reporters trapped the official into declaring his candidacy.

她说,年序履历会直接“专职父母”被淘汰出局。A chronological resume can eliminate a parent's candidacy in seconds, she says.

我们得到消息说,杰克-乌尔茨不愿意拿制片厂的钱来支持你为得奖候选人。We got the word that Jack Woltz won't spend studio money to support your candidacy.

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面试官是将面试程序作为排除你的候选资格的一种手段。Interviewers use the interview process as a vehicle to eliminate your process candidacy.

我宁愿看到他出现在第六人的位置上,那么他一定会成为全明星的有力竞争者。I'd rather see him in a sixth-man role, and he's certainly nowhere near All-Star candidacy.

数小时后,麦凯恩的竞选活动利用这一有争议的事件为他的候选资格筹集资金。Hours later, the McCain campaign was using the controversy to raise money for his candidacy.

他的候选人资格是建立在他不依前人足迹而成为总统的概念上。His candidacy was built on the notion that his rise to the presidency followed no footprints.

特别是今年,他的当选是无懈可击,水到渠成的。This has been a season when everything has come together to make his candidacy unimpeachable.

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一个你能在你的候选竞争对手中脱颖而出最有效的方法就是重新考一次GMAT。One of the most tangible ways you can make a difference in your candidacy is to retake the GMAT.

如果你在申请过程的早期提到这些问题,你的风险会使你的申请“短路”。If you raise these issues early in the application process, you risk short-circuiting your candidacy.

他说,人们聚集起来支持的是他的理念,而不一定是他失败的候选人提名。But, he says, the people who rally behind Paul support his ideals, not necessarily his failed candidacy.

虽然现在克林顿夫人在“宛若天堂”的阿巴拉契亚春风得意,但是只有奇迹才能挽救她的竞选。Although Mrs Clinton's head is in Appalachia 's heavenly peaks, only a miracle can save her candidacy now.

上周六,普京在莫斯科的一次支持政府的党内大会上宣布将参选总统。Mr. Putin declared his candidacy for the presidency at a pro-Kremlin party congress in Moscow on Saturday.

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提名申报请愿书必须在申报期限内与阁下的候选人参选声明一同提交。The Filing Petition pages must be presented when you file your Declaration of Candidacy during filing week.

当受害人车队在前往为他们的候选人办理竞选登记的途中遭受攻击时,记者朱贝拉格和另两名同事也一同随行。Jubelag and two other colleagues were part of the original convoy on their way to cover the candidacy filing.

这些记者在陪同一名政客的家人递交竞选文件时遭到了持枪武装分子的袭击。The journalists were accompanying the family of a politician to file his candidacy for next year's elections.