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这里就是佐贺大学。This is the Saga University.

剧情是关于麦克罗斯传奇的吗?Is it about the Macross saga?

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我们在佐贺附近度过了非常愉快的一天。We spent a happy day near Saga.

这部新小说是一怖引人入胜赌家世孝说。This new novel is an absorbing saga.

那么谁是这出戏的大赢家?So, who are the winners in this saga?

小说描绘了一个家族的传奇故事。The novel depicts the saga of a family.

佐贺县是个乡下地带,很需要旅游业。Saga is a rural dump that needs tourism.

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这部新小说是一部引人入胜的家世小说。This new novel is an absorbing family saga.

从罗格列酮事件中我们学到了什么?What have we learnt from the rosiglitazone saga?

文兰传奇讲述了北欧海盗怎样来到美国。The Vinland Saga tells how Vikings came to America.

艾莎比比的传奇被称为世界各地。The saga of Aisha Bibi is known throughout the world.

鲁宾•克劳将带我们去看看布莱恩如何为他的这一传奇划上句号。Robyn Curnow has a look at the end of the Blaine saga.

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对于西摩来说,这是一个讲述母爱的传奇故事。For Seymour, the saga of motherly love was anything but.

头版是对劫持事件的连续报道。The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.

英文和佐贺来源同意,埃里克在战斗中被打死。Both English and saga sources agree that Eric was killed in battle.

这意味着该传奇应该由任意三位英雄混合而成。This means the saga should consist of a mix of three random heroes.

不过,沃伦仅仅是一个未完传奇中的最后一章。But the Warren affair is only the latest chapter in an ongoing saga.

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在此之后,格拉斯家族的传奇取得了更大成就。But the Glass family saga that followed is the larger accomplishment.

在此我曾多次提出让法官是佐贺当然…在此我曾多次提出让法官佐贺课程。So here I have suggested "repeatedly" to allow the judge of course Saga.

我最喜欢的电影我最喜欢的乐队与传奇相结合是一种二人赫克。My favorite movie saga combined with my favorite band is one heck of a duo.