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我的名字是伪造。My name is WangLe han.

王乐新买了一辆自行车。Wangle bought a new bike.

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他想方想法想钻入委员会中。He was trying to wangle his way onto the committee.

我完全相信你能设法从他的口中套出这项情报来。I'm sure you can wangle the information out of him.

她设法弄到了招待会的请帖。She managed to wangle an invitation to the reception.

太好了,没有王乐聚会就没劲了。That would be great. The party won't be fun without WangLe.

有人和西方人谈起了恋爱,下决心留在此地,如果他们能骗得一张签证的话。Some fall in love with the West and decide to stay, if they can wangle a visa.

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会计信息失真的两种主要表现为会计信息不实和会计信息造假。The two main distortions of accounting information are unreal accounting information and wangle accounts.

另外,我对有些留在家中的父母将一切功劳归于自己的做法也感到不大舒服。I am also not entirely comfortable with the way that stay-at-home parents manage to wangle all the credit.

医院总算到了望了眼身后的父亲还在不住的喘着粗气,头上的水珠还在流着。Hospital finally to the Wangle Yan's father, still do not live behind a breathing heavily, his head drops are still flowing.

虽然去图书馆参观之前,我很想专注当地政局,了解一个月的时间,萨给却把我成功的骗到了这里来。Although I was meant to give the authorities one month notice before going on a tour of the library, Saggy managed to wangle me in.