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出离心是什么呢?它和幸运又有什么关系?What is renunciation mind? How does it fit in luck?

总起来说,她对这二者的态度是一种“扬弃”。Her attitude toward them is both renunciation and reception.

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其实,八成是马革士自己情愿放弃他表妹的。It was Marcus who made the most of his renunciation of his cousin.

蓄谋已久的世界抛弃美元的行动开始了。The long-awaited international renunciation of the dollar has begun.

与其得了恶报而后脱离恶道,不如不去犯罪。To commit no sin is better than retribution and renunciation of sin.

如某位艺评家说的,它提升心灵,换言之,它鼓励舍弃。It elevates the mind, as one says, that is to say, it encourages renunciation.

我想这是现在我应该尽力作到的一种克己工夫。It is a lesson in renunciation which I suppose I ought to learn at this seaon.

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但是,塞尔维亚放弃使用暴力挽留科索沃,北京可以从中学习到一些东西。Still, the Serbian renunciation of violence to retain Kosovo has lessons for Beijing.

除非汇票乃交回承兑人,否则该放弃事,必须以书面申明。The renunciation must be in writing, unless the bill is delivered up to the acceptor.

出家是把喜欢的和不喜欢的统统放下,这样你就会变得比较真实。Renunciation meaning renouncing your likes and dislikes so that you become choice less.

他被他们的热情和纯洁,自制和弃绝所吸引。He had been impressed by their devotion and purity, their self-control and renunciation.

人们没有进行祷告和灵性训练,没有弃绝和冷静。People are without spiritual discipline and prayer, without renunciation and dispassion.

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废止或断绝代理,可以明示或暗示处理。The revocation or renunciation of an agency may be made expressly or impliedly by conduct.

当一个人觉知时他就会自动出离与放下重担。In a state of Awareness, one will have genuine Renunciation and naturally let go of all burdens.

但是现在伊茨的故事刺激了她,才使她感到她忍耐的程度是有限度的。But now that she was stung to a fever by Izz's tale there was a limit to her powers of renunciation.

愿此来自上师们的教授帮助更多的行者达到出离世间的缠縳!May these instructions from Gurus help more practitioners attain renunciation of worldly engagements!

在断念摒欲之中,我不需要拯救。在万千欢愉的约束里我感到了自由的拥抱。Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight.

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我们必须放弃所有的欲望和执著,并对轮回的幻相彻底生起厌离。We have to let go of any desire or attachment and develop total renunciation to the illusion of samsara.

与众不同的是,卡明斯的个性自由是一种在某种程度上自愿有所放弃的个性自由。To be different, his individuality requires a voluntary renunciation of some degree of individual liberty.

像自我纯化和舍弃这样的非物质问题不能用时间的尺度来衡量,这是真理。The truth is that spiritual matters like self-purification and renunciation cannot be measured by Time scale.