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他蜜意地看着她。He looked at her with affection.

锁着我的爱怜。There locks my tender affection.

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那时以前你虚假感情的馈赠。That erst thy false affection gave.

抒发自己的情感就叫发情。Him express affection calls oestrus.

或许,这也可能只是我的一相情愿。Perhaps, this is my alone affection.

它能增进亲切感和爱意。It promotes affability and affection.

她对那个孤儿倾注了无尽的爱。She lavished affection on the orphan.

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小孩子渴望着父母的慈爱。The child was starving for affection.

这是我的一点小意思。聊表心意。Here's a little token of my affection.

她是在渴望得到爱和感情。She is craving for love and affection.

这份感情值得我们珍惜。So this affection is worth treasuring.

你能买份不错的定情信物。You can purchase a token of affection.

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西里尔对他没有什么感情。Cyril has very little affection for him.

这可谓是一部充满了温情和幽默感的电影。It’s a film full of affection and humor.

好心情是怎么样保持的?Is good intention affection how retentive?

你生下来带出这世界的隐情。You're born to bring this world affection.

这个30英尺惯例也适用于表露对孩子的喜爱之情。The 30-foot rule also applies to affection.

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小珍珠内心深深渴盼亲情慰藉。Small pearl heart deep affection for comfort.

韵母中的元音对声母系统演变的影响是其表现之一。Affection to initial from vowel is ont of them.

爱情能让任何人变成傻瓜。Affection makes a fool of any man. ---B. Jonson.