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直到现在。Until now.

直到你死!Until you die!

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直到最近才想过。Not until recently.

直到三更半夜吗?Until late at night?

直到人生的那端。Until the end of life.

我一直睡到半夜时醒了。I slept until midnight.

直到呯的一声倒下说拜拜。Until bang and bye bye.

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他们狂欢通宵达旦。They reveled until dawn.

一直搅拌直到巧克力融化。Whisk until it's melted.

我总是到8点钟才起床。I always get up until 8am.

达尔文活到了1882年。Darwin lived on until 1882.

我一直干到累倒了。I worked until I collapsed.

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直到他来到暴风城。Until he came to Stormwind.

保重,下次见。Until next time, take care.

我们一直谈到2点半。We talked until two-thirty.

那为什么不等到那一天?Why not wait until someday?

莪瞅电视总媞到半夜。I watched TV until midnight.

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吃到满足为止。Learn to eat until satiated.

现在才说,早干嘛来着。Why don't you say until now?

他活到了,80,岁。He lived until the age of 80.