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是否设有围栏或安全罩?Was it fenced or guarded?

关隘有重兵把守。The pass was heavily guarded.

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一条龙守护着财宝。A dragon guarded the treasure.

防范不严的心灵便俯首听命了。These badly guarded souls listen.

列位看官,它,守卫着一些别的秘密。Reader, it guarded something else.

士兵看管着囚犯。The soldiers guarded the prisoners.

他们,赤着脚,保卫着这顶王冠。Barefooted, they guarded that crown.

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这所房子由一条猛犬看守。The house is guarded by a fierce dog.

他押着他的俘虏到帐房间去。He guarded prey to the counting-house.

这栋房子由一条恶犬看守。The house is guarded by a ferocious dog.

护士们守着一盒盒医用品。Nurses guarded boxes of medical supplies.

我们怎么能够管束所有那些女人?How could we have guarded all those women?

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注意,这个地方有看门狗!Attention, the facility is guarded by dogs!

这条公路有高射炮防卫。The road was guarded by anti-aircraft guns.

神仙世界也是戒备森严的。Even the celestial world is heavily guarded.

那时这地方有重兵把守。In those days the place was heavily guarded.

进宫殿的入口处门卫把守得很严。The entrance to the palace were well guarded.

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在他守卫的圣堂里,有一架被咚咚敲响的战鼓。In his guarded temple, there’s a beating drum.

你找两个否决者到一个防守不好的分基地。You get 2 Nullifiers to a poorly guarded expo.

和固体这个庞大的地球,看守因陀罗。And solid is this vast Earth, guarded by Indra.