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这本不必要。This is unnecessary.

神学是多余的。Theology is unnecessary.

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开始剔除不必要的事情。Start to eliminate the unnecessary.

无须细说。It's unnecessary to go into details.

它增加了不必要的意外。It sets up an unnecessary contingency.

长时间坐着吃饭没有必要Longer sit down meals are unnecessary.

让你的生活摆脱那种不必要的压力。Get that unnecessary stress out of your life.

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大量不需要的返工都可以省去。A lot of unnecessary rework would be cut away.

他感到我们不必要留下来。He found it unnecessary for us to stay behind.

删掉论文中不必要的段落。Cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay.

特里亚纳指出,该领域的大部分工作都是毫无必要的。Much of its work, he says, has been unnecessary.

简化你的生活,去除那些不必要的。Simplify your life and eliminate the unnecessary.

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省略不必要的东西是纯粹的美。Omitting the unnecessary is a thing of pure beauty.

她常在不必要的琐事上自扰。She often pothers herself over unnecessary details.

斯普利特的表面,并删除不必要的。Split the surfaces and delete the unnecessary ones.

他说,这样做会导致不必要的波动。Theresult, he said, wouldbe unnecessary volatility.

我把我原稿许多不需要的字删去了。I cancelled many unnecessary words in my manuscript.

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事实上,医生提供不必要的诊疗反而不用多费口舌。Offering unnecessary care would, in fact, be faster.

做这么大是不必要的。即使做十二弦吉他也不需要。But it's unnecessary. Even for twelve-string guitars.

这种方式可能会顶用,也可能完全是渣。It could work. It may also be completely unnecessary.