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你的计划好像不适用。Your plan seems inapplicable.

这个原则对这件事不适用。The principle is inapplicable to the case.

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请删去不适用者。Notes Please delete whichever is inapplicable.

我试着对我排除每个理由如不适用的。I tried to rule out each reason as inapplicable to me.

水性油漆、保丽龙表面材质不适用。Inapplicable to the surface of liquid paint and styrofoam.

任何正面的定义皆来自记忆,故此一无所用。Every positive definition is from memory and, therefore, inapplicable.

一个空值是不同于零或者一个空格符的。A null is a value that is unavailable, unassigned, unknown, or inapplicable.

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其他依法不适用诉讼时效规定的债权请求权。Any other claim to which the provisions on statute of limitations are inapplicable.

这些妇女的代表律师认为,法律是出于政治动机并认为对她们“不适用”。The women's lawyers argued that the law was politically motivated and "inapplicable".

我们不和,这是因为汉谟拉比的法典,既是陌生的公民和不适用。We do not and this is because Hammurabi's codex is both unknown to the citizenry and inapplicable.

奇怪的是,疲倦的评论家往往用不合适的陈词滥调去批评那些没有取悦他们的电影。Oddly, jaded reviewers tend to use inapplicable clichés in responding to films that did not please them.

农业圩区原有的排涝模数计算方法已不适用于城镇圩区。The calculation method of drainage modulus in agricultural diked area is inapplicable in urban diked area.

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这些经验公式砂、泥岩层比较适用,而对含煤地层则不适用。The empirical formula is fairly suitable to the sand or mudstone stratum, but it is inapplicable to the coal stratum.

根据用户的不同的回答,方案必须防止回答或按不适用或有冲突的选项用户。Depending upon user's answers, program must prevent user from answering or clicking inapplicable or conflicting options.

历史决定论断言,由于社会规律具有历史相对性,因而大多数的物理学方法不能应用于社会学。Historicism asserts that the historical relativity of social laws makes most of the methods of physics inapplicable to sociology.

此外,如果你们有理由相信排除条款可能会不适用于你们的业务,请解释。Additionally, if you have reasons for believing that the exclusion might be deemed inapplicable to your operations, please explain.

因此,用面极化模拟解释通常为体极化的实际地质体的激发极化异常显然是不适用的。Therefore, the surface-polarization modelling is inapplicable for interpreting the IP anomalies caused by practical geological bodies.

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其次,千万不可擅自断定这些观念在某些人事环境中行不通。Second, be sure that you do not decide for yourself that there are some people, situations or things to which the ideas are inapplicable.

因为一个给定类型的所有元素不需要有相同的值,所以未知的或者不适用的信息也就不存在了。Since all the elements of a given type need not have the same structure, information that is unknown or inapplicable can simply not appear.

现行的既有线客运站通过能力计算方法不能直接用于客运专线客运站通过能力计算。The calculation methods for the carrying capacity of stations of existing railway lines are inapplicable to high speed passenger railway lines.