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“情况不好,”希格纳奇的旅游局官员对我说,这儿的旅游业没有雇足人员。"Now no good, " said Sighnaghi's underemployed tourist officer.

他们有时也被称为失业人员或者自由职业者。They may also be described as underemployed or freelance workers.

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我们还有六分之一的美国人失业或未充分就业。We still have one-in-six Americans either unemployed or underemployed.

如今经济陷入低迷,数百万美国人失业或是没有充分就业。Now the economy has lost a wheel. Millions of Americans are unemployed and underemployed.

项目将通过增加目前就业不充分农户的收入帮助开展扶贫,也将通过加强水土保持、减少水土流失及促进可持续土地利用和农业实践等措施改善环境。It will help alleviate poverty by increasing the income of currently underemployed farmers.

这些人包括领取综援的单亲及失业人士。These people include single parents relying on social security, and those who are underemployed.

一度被斥为懒惰的年轻人,日本这支未充分就业的大军开始要求更多工作。Once dismissed as lazy youth, Japan's army of the underemployed are starting to demand more work.

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非工会组织的成员,大多数剩下的人,是或者失业,或者半失业,或者处于挣扎之中。Members of non-organized labor — most of the rest of us — are unemployed, underemployed or underwater.

三十万失业移民就能回到他们曾受过培训的行业。Some 300, 000 underemployed immigrants could then return to the professions for which they were trained.

有些人过去在国企任职,他们因下岗或无正式工作而进入民营企业。Some are former state employees who entered the private sector because they were laid off or underemployed.

那些失业和半失业的人们正努力接受再培训,以紧跟新经济发展的需要。Those left unemployed or underemployed are struggling to retrain and catch up with the new economy's needs.

他的纪录片“夜班”讲述了加拿大外籍培训职业人学非所用的困境。His documentary "Night Shift" deals with the plight of underemployed foreign-trained professionals in Canada.

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而且当一个国家还有大批长期失业的人群时,削减赤字谈何容易。And it is hard to reduce the deficit while the country has a large group of persistently un- or underemployed people.

失业率并未包括就业不足及刚放弃找寻工作的人士。Behind the unemployment figures hide people who are underemployed and others who have just given up looking for work.

然而,九月大选逼近,他们应该重新考虑,即使只是为了数百万失业的同胞。As September’s vote draws near, they should think again, if only for the sake of millions of their underemployed compatriots.

他十分熟悉那些时常没有活计的农民、那些收入低微的工人和潦倒的士兵,了解他们嫖女人、酗酒和吸毒的情况。He was the man who knew what underemployed peasants, underpaid workers, and sullen soldiery did about sex and drink and drugs.

但就我们看来,可以确定的是,到目前为止,抗议活动的主要参与者是左翼中的左翼,年轻人和失业者。As far as we can determine, the group, to date, is largely made up of the left of the left wing, youth, and those underemployed.

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1400万以上的美国人失去了工作,还有更多的人要么未充分就业,要么信心受挫,不再作任何指望。More than 14 million people are out of work and many more are either underemployed or so discouraged they’ve just stopped looking.

我怀念那里宽大的笔记本电脑工作台,想念那里的十个熟面孔,他们都是大材小用的写手,还有那柔软的沙发和相得益彰的柔和灯光。I miss that ample laptop space, the familiar faces of the same ten underemployed writers, the soft couches to match the soft lighting.

高素质劳动力的就业不足反过来又制约了生产者服务业和其他产业的进一步发展。The underemployed high-quality labor force, in turn, constrains the further development of the producer services and other industries.