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他们有一个涩涩的味道。They have an astringent taste.

爱情,是一杯枯涩的咖啡!The love, is cup of dry astringent coffee!

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具有防腐剂和收敛剂的特性。It is antiseptic and has astringent properties.

对于茶叶蛋来说,绿茶太涩了。Green tea is too astringent to use for tea eggs.

玫瑰,玛拉告诉我,是天然的止血剂。The rose, Marla tells me, is a natural astringent.

你可以使用收敛剂让皮肤少出油。You can use astringent to make your skin less oily.

夫人的地幔是一个具有止血收敛和属性。Lady's Mantle is an astringent and has styptic properties.

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那么清纯的恋情,甜涩的滋味,一去不返。So pure romance, sweet and astringent taste, never returned.

锯末和榛子壳使红酒口感更加涩。and sawdust and filbert husks to make red wine more astringent.

有用在腹泻的治疗由于它的收敛性物产。Helpful in the treatment of diarrhea due to its astringent properties.

单宁被誉为“葡萄酒的生命”,给人一种葡萄酒特有的酸涩的感觉。It is also regarded as the "Life of Wine", but tastes sour and astringent.

很显著的是,最苛刻的批评家不变的总是那些上了年纪的人。Tellingly, the most astringent critics are invariably middle-aged or older.

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糖葫芦的表面甜美可人,但内核却是坚硬酸涩的。Candied-haws looks sweet and cute, but inside, it is hardy, sour and astringent.

大多须后水含酒精,这是一种天然的止血剂和杀菌剂。Most aftershaves contain alcohol, which is a natural astringent and disinfectant.

酒香芬芳浓郁,口感紧涩却有着细腻高雅的质感,酒中飘逸着泥土的芬芳气息。Valoux gives a rich mellowness, an astringent but delicate taste and an earthy aftertaste.

快乐鼠尾草有收敛的效果,将帮助移除皮肤上过多的液体。Clary sage has a astringent quality that will assist in removing excess fluid from the skin.

另一种类型的自然痤疮药物是使用一种具收敛性的深度清洁毛孔。Another type of natural acne medicine is to use an astringent for a deep cleaning of your pores.

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在化妆水的选用上,油性皮肤的人可以选用爽肤水,中性、干性皮肤者选用滋润水比较好。As to choosing toner, oily skin can use astringent while normal skin should use moisturizers toner.

这些植物性食品含有的苦涩味就是酚醛类物质存在于其中的证明。The bitter, astringent taste that these plants have is an indication of the phenolics found within.

绿茶的“绿叶在一个清汤具有强烈涩味特色”。Green tea has the characteristics of "green leaves in a clear soup with a strong astringent taste ".