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你喜欢说唱音乐吗?Do you like rap music?

我对说唱乐不感兴趣。I'm not very keen on Rap.

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黑洞背着个坏名声。Black holes suffer a bad rap.

居然是对的,瞎编的音乐名。Light music is better than Rap.

终于明白原来西皮只是说唱的一种主要形式。Hip-Hop is one main type of RAP.

阴毛怎么会有这样的一个坏名声?How did pubes get such a bad rap?

咖啡因有好的一面,也有坏的一面。Caffeine gets both a good and a bad rap.

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他们答应与管理部门保持一致立场。They promised to rap with the management.

但我没去。那好像是一场说唱表演。I didn't go to it, though. It was like rap.

她在斥责和软的岩石册页发布了。She's released on album of rap and soft rock.

图帕克的一种说唱用的是革命性的。The kind of rap Tupac used was revolutionary.

你给它写说唱。哈,这些诺言词语,让它们成…成真吧。You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real.

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师父又给他一击作为答复。The master answered by giving him another rap.

她们说我没有办法再对于旁人弹词说唱了。They said Ican't rap about bein?broke no more.

昨天我和约翰畅谈了两个小时。John and I had a two-hour rap session yesterday.

“黑鬼”是黑帮歌曲中频繁使用的一个词。"Nigga" is frequently heard in gangsta rap songs.

在蛋白质的世界里,大豆的名声一直不太好。In the world of protein, soy has gotten a bad rap.

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快速心房起搏可导致细胞内钙离子超载。RAP can induce calcium overload in atrial myocyte.

露易斯因为偏袒里查德而遭责骂。Louise got a bum rap for taking sides with Richard.

我从来没有犯过事,清清白白。I have never had a rap sheet and my record is clean.