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不过可是累坏了。I'm just tired.

或是有点疲惫不堪吗Tired as can be?

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我真是精疲力尽了。I'm really tired.

你感觉疲倦吗?Do you feel tired?

无论累不累,汤姆。Tired or not, Tom.

她们觉得困乏吗?Do they feel tired?

我总是感到疲倦。I was always tired.

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我一点也不疲倦。I'm not a bit tired.

我太疲倦了。I'm too bally tired.

就是有点累。Just a little tired.

你看起来很疲惫。You look very tired.

我确实感觉非常疲劳。I do feel very tired.

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我不太疲倦。I'm not overly tired.

我吃腻了鸡肉。I'm tired of chicken.

他们累坏了。They were very tired.

你也很累了。You are really tired.

您可能会感到倦乏。You might feel tired.

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你感到疲倦过吗?Do you ever get tired?

为什么你会觉得疲劳呢?Why do you feel tired?

你看起来好像很累。You look pretty tired.