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马尔格·布朗,主持这小岛上的表演活动。Margaux LeBlanc runs the show on the island.

马尔格·布朗嫁给了“蓝爪”的首领。Margaux LeBlanc has married the leader of the Blueclaws.

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柔顺丝滑,优雅的口感应证了玛哥酒的非凡品质。The texture is silky and elegant, proof of a great Margaux.

玛歌堡酒果味芳香浓郁,品质高贵。Margaux wines have a full-flavored bouquet and a magnificent elegance.

马姤来自法国,李安娜来自荷兰王国,艾丽可来自比利时。Margaux comes from France, Li-Anne from the Netherlands and Alexia from Belgium.

相比其他产区,玛歌会使用较多的梅鹿。The proportion of Merlot is high for Margaux when compared to the other Communes.

但却具有超长且纯净的口感,是一款典型的丰满、精致、平衡对称的玛歌酒。This is an archetypical Chateau Margaux of richness, finesse, balance, and symmetry.

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7岁时,因一个恋童癖者的行为,玛格·弗拉戈索失去了童年的天真。At age 7, Margaux Fragoso lost her childhood innocence to the actions of a pedophile.

典型玛歌风格酒,被称为“皇帝的贡品,神的祭品”。Has accolades of " tribute for the king" and " present for god". Classical Margaux style.

墙上挂着的“嫁给我”是我去年在夏威夷向margaux求婚时候送给她的。the “marry me” print was something i gave to margaux when i proposed last year in hawaii.

梅多克玛歌产区是世界最知名的名号之一。The village appellation of Margaux in the Médoc is surely one of the best known in the world.

这高比例带出玛歌闻名的幼细、圆滑、女性化风格。This higher proportion leads to a more subtle, smooth, feminine style which Margaux is renowned for.

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玛歌产区内有二十一个顶级葡萄酒庄,比其他任何一个梅多克产区都要多。The Margaux AOC has twenty-one Cru Classé Châteaux, more than any of the other Médoc commune appellations.

玛歌拥有砂砾的土壤,大大的石头能把阳光反射,帮助葡萄成熟。Margaux has gravel soil with large stones which is good for reflecting sun light thus helping the grapes to ripen.

但是玛歌里的不同产区会拥有不同的下层土所以在风格上也会存在差异。However, different Communes in Margaux have different subsoil and they will affect the style of wines produced too.

在进行品尝的同时,评选委员会还品尝了潘福葡萄酒厂的格兰奇和法国玛高庄园的葡萄酒。Alongside the tasting sessions, panelists were treated to a vertical tasting of Penfolds Grange and Chateau Margaux.

丹宁柔和,口感充满黑醋栗,烟叶和巧克力味道,优雅而和谐,尽显玛高区葡萄酒的风格。Soft tannins texture combined with blackcurrant, plum, tobacco leaf and chocolate. Smooth and elegant wine in Margaux style.

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听他娓娓道来酒庄的经营之道,如同欣赏一瓶玛歌酒,悠然中透出深度和长度,体会一种无声胜有声的力道。Having a conversation with Paul, just like tasting a Margaux wine, smooth with depth and length, it is strength tinted in gentleness.

玛歌美食节之际,我们很高兴接待了近200位不同年龄及不同层面的爱好者。On the occasion of Margaux Saveurs, we were pleased to welcome almost 200 enthusiastic connoisseurs, of all ages and from different horizons.

被誉为波尔多最卓越白葡萄酒之一的玛歌白亭,由八大名庄玛歌庄主理,尽显其贵族气派。Pavillon Blanc du Chateau Margaux is a one of Bordeaux's most sublime and prestigious white wines, Cast in the great, aristocratic Margaux style.