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和我的女仆说话。And talk with my chambermaid.

一个旅馆女服务员站在壁炉旁。An hotel chambermaid stood by the fire-place.

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她请女服务员照顾他。She asked the chambermaid to take care of him.

她担心旅馆里的侍女弄错了。She dreaded lest the chambermaid had been mistaken.

女服务员的工作就是满心欢喜地将内衣裤压平。The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid.

女服务员几乎不会说英语,因此她丈夫跟着来给她做翻译。The chambermaid spoke little English, so her husband came with her to interpret.

请允许我派一位服务员来帮您再仔细找找。Please allow me to send a chambermaid to your room to help you look for it again.

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如果女服务生这个插曲确实是实现安排的,那整件事的构思和实施都是大胆且有技巧的。If the chambermaid episode was indeed a plot, it was conceived and executed with great skill and daring.

检控官表示,他们难以反驳卡恩的说法,他和酒店女服务员在酒店的行为是双方自愿的。Prosecutors said they could not disprove his assertion that the encounter with a hotel chambermaid was consensual.

那个女工有个相好的在面包房,他把钻戒做到一块面包里,藏在里面,无人怀疑,直至搜查结束。The chambermaid had a lover in the bakery, and he had baked the ring into a roll, where it lay unsuspected until the search was over.

然后女仆骑上法拉达,真正的新娘却骑着女仆的马,沿着大路,一直走进了王宫大院。The chambermaid now climbed onto Falada, and the true bride onto the bad horse, and thus they traveled onwards, until finally they arrived at the royal palace.