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滑膛枪射程提高到110。Musket ranges increased to 110.

两年前我用滑膛枪打猎。I hunted with a musket two years ago.

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以前必须先给步枪装上火药才能开枪。In olden times one had to charge a musket before firing.

伯尔夜早已把各士兵步枪的子弹取去。Burr had removed the cartridges from each man's musket during the night.

在枪战类游戏中,也可以做为步枪使用,体现好很好的兼容性。In the gunfight game, it can be used as musket , has the good compatibility.

这样又过了几秒钟,直到乔埃斯猛地举枪开了火。So some seconds passed, till suddenly Joyce whipped up his musket and fired.

火枪的编队射击很重要,所以我们给于了更多的关注。The choreography of musket fire is important, so that gets a lot of attention.

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但一旦战争来临,这类人会肩扛步枪进入战壕吗?And if war comes do such men as these shoulder the musket and go into the trenches?

他抓起步枪,和同袍一起冲锋,怯懦之情似乎一扫而空。He then grabbed his musket and joined the attack, apparently cured of his cowardice.

美国的独立自从反对她的第一支毛瑟枪打响那一刻就开始了。Independence in America should date from the first musket that was fired against her.

新滑膛枪杀伤力提高了以前的版本,从而使游戏好得多。New musket lethality which improves the previous version, making the game far better.

如果是单一的兵种,蒙古突骑可以打败土耳其的火枪兵。If it is a single branch, Mongolia, Turkey, Tunisia riding a musket soldiers can defeat.

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这些火枪的先驱者可以射出穿透盔甲的致命齐射。This forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly volleys that can pierce armour.

吾得滑膛火枪及骑兵军刀,伯君得一杆大枪,上有刺刀附之。I received a musket and a saber. Le Poittevin was handed an enormous gun with a bayonet attached.

好了,那么我们有了个拥有翼龙翅膀的超大鳄鱼,还能抵挡住火枪的火力。OK, so we’ve got a very large alligator with the wings of a pterosaur that can repel musket fire.

同时,“小流氓”们会被编入英军,进行步枪拉练和哨兵巡岗的演习。Meanwhile rogues will enlist in the British Army. They'll learn musket drills and patrol the sentry wall.

“住口!”一个红帽子用毛瑟抢枪托敲打着被子吼道。“别吵,贵族分子。”"Silence! " growled a red-cap, striking at the coverlet with the butt-end of his musket. "Peace, aristocrat! "

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我们用小米加步枪,打败了日本鬼子,打垮了国民党美式装备,靠的是什么?We add musket with millet, defeated Japanese devil, crumple up Kuomintang beautiful type equips, what is those who lean?

滑膛枪兵是先进的火枪部队,威力射程都极为惊人,可穿透任何盔甲,令敌军闻声胆裂,溃不成军。The musket is an improved form of firearm. Firing a heavy shot to a good range, it causes fear, and can pierce any armour.

要我在隆隆的鼓声中变得那样激动,以致会抓起枪杆子冲到弗吉尼亚去为罗伯特老板流血吗?And get so excited by the roll of drums that I'll grab a musket and rush off to Virginia to shed my blood for Marse Robert?