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请问想说她的房间在我的“斜对面”怎么说?Her room is in diagonal to mine.

交叉对角线的图案。A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines.

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拱顶上成横向或者对角线的支撑结构。A transverse or diagonal member of a vault.

用带有亮粉的甲油斜斜的在中央刷更厚。Paint a diagonal stripe of more glitter on the nail.

电泵潜入水中应垂直,不得斜放。Dive into the water pump should be vertical not diagonal.

对角地穿过纵向船帆的轻质圆材。A light spar that crosses a fore-and-aft sail diagonal ly.

图标出现,显示为两个呈对角线位置的小正方形。The icon appears as two small squares that are in a diagonal.

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对角线区将举办多项比赛的预选赛。The Diagonal area is holding several preliminary competitions.

抗剪桁架模型混凝土斜压杆的应力计算。Calculation of stress in diagonal struts of truss model for shear.

相对于重心的质量的惯性张量对角线。The diagonal inertia tensor of mass relative to the center of mass.

圣诞装饰灯照亮西班牙巴塞罗那的对角大街。Christmas lights illuminate the Diagonal Avenue in Barcelona, Spain.

马以直线出发但必须飞对角线。It starts out in a straight line and then it hops off on a diagonal.

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然而转化为求对角矩阵的方幂比较困难。However, seeking a power of diagonal matrix is very difficult usually.

直到辛克莱禁区斜角的梦幻施射才破门。That was until Sinclair cracked it home with a fantastic diagonal shot.

接穗的基部被切成斜形,暴露出椭圆形的大圈形成层。The base of scion is cut diagonal ly to expose a large oval of cambium.

图中右上角的斜线则是一条公路。The diagonal line across the upper right corner of the image is a road.

第三部分沿对角线回到原点。So, the third guy is when we come back to the origin along the diagonal.

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这是小牛的长度,直线,和装饰,只由少数对角线线。It was calf-length, straight, and decorated only by a few diagonal lines.

下一个,在钻石的背面-正确的边移到对角线的区段。Next, move to the diagonal section at the back-right side of the diamond.

朝左走快步时,骑手身体朝外侧,或右侧或对角线方向伸展。At the trot to the left that rider posts on the outside or right diagonal.