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在维基新闻的背后有一个被称作公民记者的新闻获取小圈子。There’s a coterie of news hounds calling themselves as citizen journalists behind Wikinews.

这些诗,有人抄录,有人传阅,有人鄙夷,也有人赞美,从一伙人传到另一伙人。The verses were copied out, handed about, sneered at, admired, passed from coterie to coterie.

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所以他们不能让一个国王崛起,不能让一个小团体壮大。So they didn't want one king to arise, and they didn't want a small coterie of leaders to arise.

请最好不要提及那些明星配音员兼女作家的真实年龄。It would be better not to refer to the actual ages of the voice actresses and coterie authoresses.

香港特首是在一批深受北京影响的商界人士中挑选出来的。Hong Kong's chief executive is chosen by a coterie of business leaders heavily influenced by Beijing.

以很难入手的人气动画作家的同人杂志为销售对象的商店在秋叶原日渐增加。The shops selling top comic writers' coterie magazines hard to find are increasing day by day in Akihabara.

计算机病毒系一小撮存心不良的黑客所为,这些人纯属为了搞恶作剧而编造有毒软件。The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it.

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一小群物理学家、生物学家和工程学家已在勾画一个另类世界。For, in the imaginations of a coterie of physicists, biologists and engineers, an alternative world is taking shape.

但却充满寓意,迷惑了他几乎所有的年轻的贵族资助者。Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young, aristocratic patrons.

壮大的中产阶层对政府提出更多要求,使政府不能再依赖少数精英团体。In turn, this larger middle class demands more of its government, which can no longer rely on the support of a small coterie of elites.

而弗朗索瓦一直以来都称其法律行动是为了保护母亲不受大量意欲攀高枝的食客的困扰。Francoise herself has always said that her legal actions were in fact aimed at protecting her mother from a coterie of gold-digging hangers-on.

只是在伊拉克的石油合同被萨达姆的个人意愿所歪曲、服务于统治者小圈子利益的时候,一切才变得乱了套。It was when the inner circle of Saddam's coterie got involved that oil contracts were allocated to the benefit of those who bent to Saddam's will.

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是的,我恐怕除了幻想派自由主义者和坚定的反女权主义者小圈子外,性别薪酬差距存在是公认的事实。Yes, I'm afraid that outside of a small coterie of fanciful libertarians and determined anti-feminists, the existence of a gender pay gap is accepted fact.

他和他的犯罪团伙高兴地看着沙拉克的受害者无助地挣扎,试图爬出卡孔大坑滑腻的流沙。He and his criminal coterie would delight to see the Sarlacc's victims struggle helplessly, as they tried to climb up the slippery shifting sands of the Carkoon pit.

笼子里的脱衣女郞,外面围观的是一小撮好色之徒,远处是身着乳胶的时敞女郎示范鞭虐的技巧。Beyond the caged strippers — and the coterie of men drooling over them — were models decked out in the latest latex fashions demonstrating proper whipping techniques.

对于山雨欲来的渗入骨髓的大灾变的恐惧在酷爱享乐的生活圈子里面散发开来,从前的纸牌游戏和不断的寻欢作乐不再,慢慢演变成了政治讨论。The fear of an encroaching cataclysm soon penetrated the coterie of high-living, fun-loving friends, and political discussion was slowly replacing the card games and bouts of merry-making.

在早期甲壳虫的演唱会里,他是最多小女生尖叫的对象,但男性观众并不这么欣赏他,他不可能获得正兴起的摇滚乐评人主流的青睐,因为这个领域是男人的天下。He was the favorite of the girls whose screams dominated the early Beatles concerts, but he was not a guy's guy. No way could he satisfy the emerging establishment of rock critics, a male coterie.