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他长叹一声。He drew a deep sigh.

他离开了我。He drew away from me.

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这些都是你画的?You drew all of these?

加菲拉上了窗帘。Garfied drew the drapes.

他把皮带束得紧些。He drew his belt tighter.

中国队和巴西队打成平局。China drew against Brazil.

他再一次收网。Once more he drew his net.

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她拉开窗帘。She drew back the curtain.

吸引了人们的目光。And drew attention to them.

于是她抽出了一根。She drew one out-"scratch!"

一条领港船驶近船边。A pilot boat drew alongside.

她的表演赢得一片喝彩声。Her performance drew cheers.

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他的挑战没有得到回答。His challenge drew no reply.

我把椅子拉到桌旁。I drew a chair to the table.

蜗牛把触角缩了回去。The snail drew in its horns.

他们使比赛打成25平。They drew the game at 25∶25.

他霍地拔出剑来。He drew his sword in a flash.

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我把他画成党卫队全副武装的样子。I drew him in his SS regalia.

她抽出了一根,哧!She drew one out --- whoosh !

弓箭手立刻张弓。The archers drew all at once.