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VB初学者可以载来看看!VB beginners can be set to look at!

用VB编写的一个游戏用的地图编辑器。VB prepared with a game map editor.

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VB写的一个简单挂机锁程序!Write a simple VB program hook lock!

并且在VB体积中有NB个B种气体分子。And NB molecules of B, in some volume VB.

我们可以做到这一点再次用VB.NET语言。We can do it again with VB. NET language.

代码是用VB写的,数据库采用MSSQL的。The code is VB write, the database using MSSQL.

XNA是在VB开发人员当中的下一个痛处。XNA is the next sore point amongst VB developers.

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转载一款射击类游戏的源码,VB写的。Reproduced in a shooting game source code, VB writing.

用VB实现示波器功能的一个CAD设计,很好用。VB oscilloscope function of a CAD design, easy to use.

NET数据库分页显示程序的方法和技巧。NET database displaying program by paging with VB. NET.

用VB编写的简单网站过滤的小工具,适合于WINXP。VB prepared a simple web filtering small tool to WINXP.

VB已经支持该特性了,同时还有一个其支持的说明。While VB had it all along, there was an supported use case.

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谁有VB源码反编译工具,急用,我给100分。Who VB source code decompilation tools, emergency, I give 100

将短时失去雷达截获目标,爬高到7000米,VB报告。You will shortly lose radar contact, climb to 7000m report VB.

VB开发人员,尤其是那些MVP,比从前更加不安了。VB developers, and especially MVPs, are more nervous than ever.

VB中创建超长时间计时器,虽非原创,但很有用。VB to create long-timer , though not original, but very useful.

需要提醒的是这样的技术在VB中同样可以工作。It should be noted that these techniques work equally well in VB.

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还有很多东西,咜们可以在VB6里找到,却没有被包含在VB。There are some things that were in VB6 and are not available in VB.

这是一个很有参考价值的VB文件操作,驱动程序!This is a great reference value of the VB file manipulation, Driver!

本文是“VB”环境下的排法算法的分析与设计。This paper is "VB" under the row of the algorithm analysis and design.