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他声音沙哑地说。He said hoarsely.

“对不起。”他用嘶哑的嗓子说。"Excuse me, " he said hoarsely.

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大声的嘶喊出俄所有的心酸。Loud rages hoarsely out all of my sad.

小狗不停地哑声吠叫。The puppy barked hoarsely all the while.

“有证据吗?”他嘶哑着声音说。There is evidence?" He hoarsely the voice."

“没有,我没有,”那人嘶哑地低声说。"No, I'm not, " the man whispered hoarsely.

“伊斯莱尔是弗林特的炮手。”葛雷哑着嗓子说道。"Israel was Flint's gunner, " said Gray hoarsely.

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“快点!”他沙哑着嗓子喊道。“我受够了这些!”"Hurry! "he cried hoarsely. "I can't stand this! "

与此同时,阿恩尔声音嘶哑地尖叫着求助。At the same time, Arnel was screaming hoarsely for help.

“嗯,哈罗!”杰瑞说,嗓子比刚才更沙哑。Well! And hallo you! ' said Jerry, more hoarsely than before.

德纳第大娘暴跳如雷,“还是你想骗我的钱?”" screamed the Thenardier, hoarsely , "or do you want to rob me of it?

失去了控制,勃纳瑟拉向过道前倾,嘶哑地吼道。Out of control, Bonasera leaned forward toward the aisle and shouted hoarsely.

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他们声音嘶哑,说着士兵们听不懂的话,走近火堆。Hoarsely articulating something in a tongue incomprehensible to the soldiers, they approached the fire.

他很有感情的有点嘶哑的唱着对大海的激情,但我们知道他从来没有见过海。He sang sentimentally, if a little hoarsely , about his passion for the sea, which we knew he had never seen.

唤出口的时分才发现声音沙哑的可以。这一点,寒飞扬自己都觉得很震惊。Evocable of cent fair detect voice hoarsely can. This, cold float in the sky oneselfs to all feel very shocked.

他小小的蓝色眼睛又开始闪光,一边用舌缘湿润着嘴唇。“继续,”他哑着嗓子说。His little blue eyes glittered and he moistened his lips with the tip of his tongue. "Go ahead, " he said hoarsely.

浏览数据的时候他吹起了口哨,然后突然停止,深吸了一口气。He whistled hoarsely through his teeth as he glanced over the data, then stopped short, with a sharp intake of breath.

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海王的宫殿里再次传来哀嚎,远远的海上特里同吹出了嘶哑的号角。From the palace of the Sea-King came the cry of mourning again, and far out upon the sea the great Tritons blew hoarsely upon their horns.

“你说的就是卢克吗?”弗拉德先生惊得目瞪口呆,声音沙哑、粗鲁地求证道,“就是那个口吃?”"That was Luke that done that?" Mr. Flood demanded hoarsely after a moment, with his air of brutal and rather stunned surprise. "The one that stutters?"