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你们吓唬不了我,你们放心。You don't frighten me.

我也要吓唬他。I want to frighten him.

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他们试图令世界惊恐。They try to frighten the world.

别说这个了。你把我吓了一跳。Don't say this. You frighten me.

那条黑蛇吓着你了吗?Did the black snake frighten you?

屹耳说,“但愿我没吓坏你们。”Hope I didn't frighten anyone too badly.

目的是想吓走阴魂鬼神。It is meant to frighten off evil spirits.

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可是当你独来独往,那他们就会怕你了。When you are a loner, you frighten people.

不要吓唬他,他在讲实话。Don't frighten him. He's telling the truth.

你选了那个数字是因为你想要吓我。You chose that because you want to frighten me.

他们两还常常用矛恐吓麻雀。And they often used a spear to frighten sparrows.

蟑螂是最让我害怕的昆虫。Cockroaches are the insects that frighten me most.

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冒充鬼物吓唬人了,没人怕你。Stop pretending to be a ghost, you frighten no one.

为了吓唬那只狗,他从树上折了一根小树枝。To frighten the dog, he broke a twig from the tree.

无惧贫困,且死亡也吓不倒我。I do not fear poverty and death does not frighten me.

本意是毋须烧房赶老鼠,我的理解是大材小用。Don't burn down your house to frighten the mouse away.

真是“不看不知道,一看吓一跳”。It is " not to look not to know, look frighten jump ".

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我们放鞭炮可以吓唬鬼了。And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.

但上海的货车司机无疑让政府更为紧张。But Shanghai's truckers undoubtedly frighten Beijing more.

如果他们认为可以把他吓倒,那是认错人了。They mistake their man if they think they can frighten him.