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我可好,刚买了三星电视。I bought my Samsung tv just in time.

三星向中国出售其淘汰产品。Samsung sells its left- overs to China.

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三星和Hynix正在积极向3xnm制程迁移。Both Samsung and Hynix are moving to 3x.


三星股价周四收盘报776,000韩圜.Samsung last traded on Thursday at 778,000 won.

早在1938年,三星干面粉行业起家。Samsung began as a small noodle business in 1938.

首先我们展示一款三星的“Wibro手机”。Now first up, we have the 'Wibro Phone' by Samsung.

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他们通过LG和三星蓝光播放器得到了它。They get it through LG and Samsung Blu-ray players.

毫无疑问,三星助长了这种错觉。No doubt inadvertently, Samsung feeds this delusion.

三星电子想被看做一个创新者。Samsung Electronics wants to be seen as an innovator.

为了扩大其号召力,三星的应用商店正在开张。To expand its appeal, Samsung is opening an app store.

球队因为胜利被授予了三星杯桂冠。Chelsea were presented with the Samsung Cup for the win.

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南韩的三星电子正在做一个雇用上的抉择。South Korea's Samsung Electronics has been on a hiring tear.

没有希望的牌子,渣渣售后。三星才是最好的。Hopeless phones and chor service center. Samsung is the Best.

三星SUHD傲世超高清电视总是带给你超越视觉的惊喜。Samsung SUHD TV always gives you surprises beyond the vision.

三星电机则依靠大幅度杀价来获得市场。Samsung Electro-Mechanics seizes market shares by price slash.

三星公司建议用防病毒软件来隔离W32。Samsung recommends using antivirus software to quarantine W32.

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三星为这一则广告分别制作了15秒、30秒和60秒的版本。Samsung made 15-, 30- and 60-second versions of the commercial.

很期待下周日与三星重工的友谊比赛!Expecting the friendship match with SAMSUNG Heavy Industry Team!

36个国家的57家移动运营商使用了三星的设备。Samsung equipment is used by 57 mobile operators in 36 countries.