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瞧,完成了。There, done.

非常棒。Very well done.

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那办得到。That can be done.

饭已经熟了。The rice is done.

我没有做过这样的事。I had not done so.

民主党也没有这样做。Ithas not done so.

但还是可以做到的。But it can be done.

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我已这样告诉过你了。I done told you so.

你是怎么做到的?What have you done?

将如之何?What is to be done?

我在思索我有什春昧粝碌?。When I'm done here?

我已尽了我的责任。I lave done my duty.

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从来没有做错事。Never done no wrong.

这是必须要做到的。This has to be done.

我与她断绝关系了。I have done with her.

我知道,我已经是这样的人了。I know. I've done it.

可交付意味着已经完成了。Shippable means done.

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但是他们已经做了。But they have done it.

我已竣事那项事变了。Im done with the work.

一言为定。明天见!Done. See you tomorrow.