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他告诉了警长他们的名字。He gave the sheriff their names.

谁要你来管祷告的?Who made you the prayer sheriff?

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要么由司法官把他从这儿赶出去。Or have him evicted by the sheriff.

司法官对嫌疑人表达了谢意。And the sheriff thanked the suspect.

我要到行政司法长官那里去告你。I will go to the sheriff to law you.

司法官被他的对手杀死。The sheriff was killed by his rival.

“给县治安官阿特伍德打个电话”杰希说。" Call Sheriff Atwood, " Jesse said.

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司法官宣判那人犯有谋杀罪。The sheriff convicted the man of murder.

噢,是吗?”那位司法长官冷笑一声说道Oh, is it?' said the sheriff with a sneer.

诺丁汉的郡长杀害了您的父亲。The Sheriff of Nottingham killed your father.

他恳求司法长官留下来保护他们。They implored the sheriff to stay and protect them.

郡长的右腕差一点脱了臼。The right wrist of the sheriff was all but dislocated.

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镇上有个我们孩子们都讨厌的官员。There was a sheriff in town that none of us kids liked.

艾警长又怎样将艳女绳之于法呢?Ai and how will the sheriff colourful female to justice?

县治安官巴斯克的档案中也记录了凶手的供状。Sheriff Bascue's files contain the killers' confessions.

我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这狗崽子!I shot the Sheriff and the Deputy and your wee doggy TOO!

就这一点看,治安官他妻子嫁给法律了。For that matter , a sheriff ‘s wife is married to the law.

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他是爱达荷州特温加尔奇的治安官,我是他的副手。He's the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and I'm his deputy.

那位行政司法长官说,警察们可以在关口截住那些亡命之徒。The sheriff said posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.

也许夏威夷茶党县长会对此展开一番调查。Maybe a Tea Party sheriff in Hawaii will open an investigation.