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添加后缀。Add the suffix.

添加适当的后缀。Adding the proper suffix.

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用作副词词尾。Serves as the adverb suffix.

否则,后缀将不会被添加。Otherwise, the suffix will not be added.

URL后缀多余了或缺少了斜杆。URL or lack of the suffix redundant rods.

URL后缀多余了或缺少了斜杆。URL suffix redundant or missing diagonals.

备份文件以'.orig'为后缀名。The backup is saved using the suffix '.orig'.

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后缀是算法真正起作用的部分。The suffix is the real work of the algorithm.

后缀名.h约定为头文件名的扩展名。The suffix . h is conventional for header names.

这些船都有编号,末尾都是LBK。These ships were all numbered with the suffix LBK.

这意味着已经成功地添加了后缀。This means the suffix has been added successfully.

后缀专有名称对大小写不敏感。The suffix distinguished name is not case sensitive.

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要使操作符变得懒惰,请添加问号后缀。To make an operator lazy, add a question-mark suffix.

订购时,请在所选择的系列号加上.67后缀。To specify, add . 67 suffix to Series Number selected.

前后缀及词根已被包含。The prefix, etyma and suffix have been embedded inside.

帛书的解说是否后缀上去的?Silk Manuscripts explanation of whether the suffix up to?

服务器自动执行此后缀替换操作。The server automatically performs this suffix substitution.

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后置字元常见用于呼叫多载方法。A common use of the suffix is with calling overloaded methods.

为妨碍'的'和'使'后缀偏转的增加机会。Increased chances for 'of blocking' and 'of deflecting' suffix.

利用词根加前缀或后缀构成新词。Utilize root to add prefixes or the suffix and form neologisms.