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我在考虑到杭州去一趟。I'm thinking of going to Hangchow.

杭州西湖使游客流连忘返。The West Lake in Hangchow is a magnet for visitors.

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杭州西湖使游客撩船忘返。The west lake in Hangchow is a magnet for visitors.

杭州最显著的就是西湖。The most outstanding feature of Hangchow is the West Lake.

“上有天堂、下有苏杭”…而有段美丽的爱情故事,就发生在杭州西湖湖畔。August, 2004 There is a beautiful "love story" beside West Lake in Hangchow.

一批大桃子,例如上海、南京、杭州等大城市,那是要被蒋介石抢去的。Chiang kai-shek will grab a lot of big peaches such as shanghai nanking hangchow and other big cities.

第一,文章描述的景况,与明代杭州中元节的习俗不符。Firstly, the scenes depicted in this article are not corresponding with the tradition of Summer Lantern Festival at Hangchow in Ming era.

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孩子们都兴高采烈,因为是第一次回南方杭州的老家,以前只是听见父亲提到杭州,这次是真要回去了。The children were all excited, for it was their first trip to their Hangchow home, about which they had heard their parents speak so often.

现在杭州的清真寺更像一个中国和阿拉伯的组合,拱顶上盖了瓦顶。The contemporary mosque in Hangchow is still a clever combination of Chinese and Arabian architecture, its sanctuary being domed under a tiled temple-roof.

其部分系科调整到省外兄弟院校,部分院系或独立成校,或与之江大学、浙江省立医学院等院校组合重新建校。Some institutes were upgraded to become colleges or universities and some merged with other universities such as Hangchow University and Zhejiang Provincial College of Medicine.

在我的上次5天旅行中的一天,我到了中国古城杭州,在那里我有了我以前旅行所没有的经历-火灾和抢劫!My last little trip to the interior – one of five days, to the old capital city Hangchow – also provided experiences that had been lacking during earlier trips – Fire and Robbery!

托普是纽约时报的助理主编,因委派任务而来到了中国,并且带来了神秘的东方操作,在我生日那天到杭州交给了我。Top, who is assistant managing editor of the New York Times, came to China on assignment, and, by some mysterious Oriental manipulation, was delivered to me in Hangchow on my birthday.