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但要调和的时间摆在前面。But an time of reconciliation lies ahead.

这场危机趋于和解。The crisis trends toward a reconciliation.

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按月填制银行余额调节表。Fulfill bank reconciliation form each month.

杜雅瑞曼掌握全国和解的钥匙?Does Shwe Mann hold the key to reconciliation?

因此他兴建了这些和解形势的村庄。And so he creates these reconciliation villages.

确立和解终结诉讼原则。Establishment of reconciliation cesser secta axiom.

深仇大恨,没法调和。Great hatred does not lend itself to reconciliation.

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两国正享受这热切的和解。The two countries are enjoying earnest reconciliation.

在充满愤怒时所说到话,极难带来和解。Words spoken in rage will make reconciliation very hard.

维持最近的计算分析并保持一致性。Maintains up to-date account analysis and reconciliation.

小念这才放心,俩人和好如初。Little read this I rest assured, two people reconciliation.

朝鲜半岛和解进程依然曲折。Reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula is moving haltingly.

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但是盖茨说,和解仍然值得一试。But Gates said reconciliation is none-the-less worth trying.

托洛茨基到远东,不战不和逞英雄。Showing off his heroism with neither war nor reconciliation.

因为你像我们圣方济各会一样希望和谐。Because you wish for reconciliation as much as we franciscans.

UDD告诉VOA,他信已经回到和谈计划中。UDD sources told VOA, Mr. Thaksin backs the reconciliation plan.

他们提出了民族和解与非暴力过渡的路径。They offered a path of reconciliation and non-violent transition.

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不过信介和英治却因而和解了。But with the British hong but letter interface and reconciliation.

美侬岛是我的绝对真理与和解审讯。Gili Meno Island was my ultimate truth and reconciliation hearing.

这一节日标志着法国各派系达成了和解。The fete marked a reconciliation of the various factions in France.