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不规矩是打趣话的精髓。Impropriety is the soul of wit.

因行为不当我向她提出告诫。I expostulate with her on the impropriety.

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这是一个吵吵闹闹、乱七八糟、没有规矩的人家。It was the abode of noise, disorder, and impropriety.

人们甚至怀疑到她的生活作风上是否有不够慎重的地方!People even suspected some sort of impropriety in her private life.

律师应避免出现不正当业务现象。A lawyer should avoid even the appearance of professional impropriety.

他眼下更关心的是,这么晚去找泽?咛囟?有失体统。Now, he was more concerned about the impropriety of visiting Zeftel at this hour.

女总管有些难为情,迟迟没有回答,关上门会见邦布尔先生多少有点不成体统。The lady modestly hesitated to reply, lest there should be any impropriety in holding an interview with Mr.

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在这一点上,约翰·格雷把哈耶克重新拉回到康德的“物自身”的言述轨道是不合适的。In this regard, when John Gray interprets Hayek in terms of the Kantian 'thing-in-itself', he does impropriety.

但是,哪怕有蛛丝马迹显示出一家基金公司进行了不当操作,就足以令投资者落荒而逃了。Nevertheless, even the appearance of impropriety on the part of a fund is enough to send investors bolting for the exits.

显然,狐妖的魂魄窃取活动被同皇太后的不当统治联系在一起。EvidentLy, the soul-stealing activities of the fox demon were associated with the impropriety of rule by empress dowagers.

虽然知道十分不应该,伊索尔德与特里斯坦却无力按抑抗拒益发澎湃的爱情魔力。While yet aware of the impropriety of it, Isolde and Tristan fail to harness the mounting escalating magical power of love.

似乎这还不够,巴里还鼓动他在皇家美术学院的学生造反,而且据说后来甚至指控雷诺兹在财政上存在违法问题。As if that weren’t enough, Barry also incited his RA students to revolt and then allegedly accused Reynolds of financial impropriety.

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政府着手起诉IBM之后,IBM公司甚至为了避免出现不得体的举止小心翼翼地度过了20年。After the government initiated its case against IBM, the company spent two decades scrupulously avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.

由于在卧室款待异性访客不合宜,我们建议使用大厅来做此用途。Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose.

事实上,不恰当的性行为是否该惩罚,其准则很难确定,原因之一是我们的标准在不停地变。Indeed, one reason it’s so hard to pin down criteria for what constitutes punishable sexual impropriety is that our standards are in constant flux.

该公司的调查始于一名员工说在中国市场有不当行为的指控,后来调查范围扩大,包括了雅芳在拉美的核心市场。The company's probe began with an employee's allegations of impropriety in China and then spread, including to Avon's core markets in Latin America.

他满怀嫉妒和仇恨,他会进行慷慨激昂的长篇谴责性讲话,这些讲话总是要求弹劾凯普莱斯行为下流。Imbued with jealousy and hatred, he would launch into impassioned tirades that invariably called for caprese to be impeached for reasons of impropriety.

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他以他那种诱人并带着稚气、然而却是严肃的态度向这些妇女指出,让丈夫在土匪还乡团里混事是不合适的。In his charming, boyish , but serious way, he would point out to these women the impropriety of having a husband in a Home Returning Corps run by bandits.

这个业务指示的目的是保护企业本身,让企业不会由于执行它的业务应用程序而成为被告。The business directive is for the business to protect itself, so that the business is not accused of impropriety as it executes its business applications.

但是,若干经济政策的失当,或经济政策是好的,由于执行中的失误,对我国职工队伍造成了一定的冲击和影响。However, the impropriety of some economic policies as well as the improper implementation of some good policies has produced strong impacts on workers' teams.