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或者嗅下基思·理查德的餐具?Sniff Keith Richard's cutlery?

我能带餐刀什么的到澳大利亚吗?Can I bring cutlery into Australia?

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或者生产出了刀具和电脑?Or do you make cutlery or computers?

谢菲尔德以餐具闻名。Shef-field is famous for its cutlery.

在单位尽量使用自己的杯子和餐具。Take your own mug and cutlery to work.

一套餐具包括刀,叉,匙等。A cutlery set includes knives, forks, spoons etc.

中山钢锋硬质合金刃具有限公司!Zhong Shan Gang Feng Horniness Alloy Cutlery Co. , Ltd.

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不锈钢刀具包括钢、铬和镍。Stainless steel cutlery is a mix of steel, chromium and nickel.

桌上摆放着白色瓷器和镶着金边的银制餐具。Tables are set with white china and gold-banded silver cutlery.

每一个餐具都是手工制造,并且它们都有其独特的造型。Each piece of cutlery is hand crafted and has it's own character.

确保你在包裹单上选择“礼物”并写上“餐具”。Make sure you check "Gift" and write "Cutlery" on the package note.

一棒子打死一堆可怜的小餐具,这样可不好。A club kills the small cutlery of lump wretchedness, so can no good.

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地震将杯盘刀叉震落在地上。The earthquake sent the crockery and cutlery crashing to the ground.

在这个帐篷里面,几十个年轻士兵一边吃着东西,一边聊着天,刀具发出叮叮当当的声音。Inside, dozens of young soldiers ate, talked, and clanged their cutlery.

我惶恐地检查了一下自己是否用错了餐具。In a panic, I check to see whether I have been using the correct cutlery.

该公司也顾客们对餐具的用途心存疑惑。The store also found that customers were bewildered by cutlery in general.

蒂芬妮一边看著一套很棒的餐具组,一边跟一名店员交谈。Tiffany is looking at a nice cutlery set and talking with a store employee.

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采购产品不锈钢和不粘厨具,炖锅,煎锅,咖啡壶,茶壶,餐具。Saucepans, Frying Pan, Coffee Pots, Teaports, Cutlery Tableware and Cutlery.

我从不去陌生的餐厅吃饭。指不定就用那些不标准的餐具了。I never eat in strange restaurants. One runs the risk of non-standard cutlery.

克肖美和实用性结合在一个惊人的一致厨房餐具。Kershaw combines beauty and practicality in one stunning line of kitchen cutlery.