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应用多变过程来分析斯特林循环性能。The polytropic processes are used for the performance analysis of Stirling cycle.

追求人性化尺度的室内外空间,创造尽量多的多元性特色。Pursue user-friendly criterion indoor outer space, creation as far as possible many polytropic characteristics.

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这一循环由两个多方过程和两个绝热过程组成,并被广泛地用于实际工作。This modle is made up of two polytropic and nwo adiabatic branches and worked between two finit heat reservoirs.

协调和处理好教学评价中一元性与多元性价值取向的关系。Coordinates and processes in the good teaching appraisal a Yuannatural and the polytropic value orientation relations.

独特创意的百变空间,开启时尚达人生活万花筒。Distinctive originality which is always reflected in the polytropic shopping space brings fashionistas life kaleidoscope.

考虑了相控阵雷达多变的脉冲积累数和极低的副瓣电平对发现概率的影响。The affects of polytropic plus integration number and low sidelobe level were considered in the detection probability calculation.

离心式压缩机组广泛应用于石油天然气工业领域,而多变效率是衡量该系统运行经济性的重要指标之一。The polytropic efficiency is one of the most significant indicators which are used to judge the economical efficiency of the units.

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该模型中引入多变热,以保证汽泡在正化学势差作用下长大。Polytropic heat was introduced in the model to guarantee the bubble's growth under the action of positive chemical potential difference between two phases.

第三、第四章在理想气体的基础上,得出了实际气体状态方程及其多变过程中热力学计算。In chapter three and four, we give some state equations of real gas and the thermodynamical analysis in polytropic process based on the theory of ideal gas.

进一步利用多变压缩过程,推导压缩机之流体连续方程式与能量方程式,以求得压缩机流体之性质。The polytropic compression process is assumed and the continuity equation and the energy equation are derived to determine fluid properties of the compressor.

运用工程热力学的理论计算组成物料的各气体、汽体、液体于绝热过程中对外所作的膨胀功、爆沸功。In this paper, the internal energy and heat of the polytropic process, the adiabatic process and the isothermal processes of the varying mass system are discussed.

讨论了变质量系统的多方过程、绝热过程及等温过程的能量关系,并与常质量系统的多方过程、绝热过程及等温过程的性质进行了比较。In this paper, the internal energy and heat of the polytropic process, the adiabatic process and the isothermal processes of the varying mass system are discussed.

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针对目前普遍采用的理想气体多变方程,提出分段处理多变指数的研究方法。A method of studying the characters was proposed by the piecewise process and the polytropic exponent based on ideal gas polytropic equation adapted generally at present.

研究气体,尤其是实际气体的热效应,例如焦耳-汤普生冷却、压冷却、多元压缩机的级间冷却。Studying thermal effects in gases, especially non ideal gases, such as Joule-Thompson cooling, decompression cooling, and inter-stage cooling required with polytropic compressors.

此外,我们也藉由回顾两篇文献,探讨由球面活塞运动所造成的会聚震波问题,与活塞在静止气体中运动所产生的震波级数解问题。In addition, we review literature related to converging shock waves caused by spherical piston motions and the corresponding series solutions of the piston motion for polytropic gas.

中文摘要这篇论文中我们将要探讨球面活塞问题。我们考虑一个放置在静止气体中的实心球面活塞,当它以等速扩张,推动前方没有受到扰动的气体时产生震波。In this thesis, we consider a solid spherical piston in a quiescent polytropic gas, expanding at a constant speed, pushing out the undisturbed gas ahead of it, and then causing shock waves.

结果表明,选用结构类型和容积合适的蓄能器及较低充气压力的蓄能器,可有效地增加回收能量并减轻车辆重量。The relationship between parameters such as polytropic exponent, charge volume, effective volume and pressure ratio of accumulator, and influence on energy density were particularly detailed analyzed.