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好的,错Okay. Incorrect.

但是这种说法是错误的。But that’s incorrect.

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那是非常错误的。That is quite incorrect.

方法不对头。The method is incorrect.

这绝对是错误的。This is simply incorrect.

纱管直径不正确。Incorrect bobbin diameter.

但这种观点是不正确的。But that would be incorrect.

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轻视妇女是错误的。It is incorrect to despise woman.

因此他得到了错误的结论。So he made an incorrect conclusion.

这种说法是错误的。This standard account is incorrect.

处理嵌套映射的错误方法Incorrect way to handle nested mappings

分段不正确造成串号现象。Incorrect specification causes wrong sizes.

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大多数例子都有让人难以忍受的偏差和错误。Most of it is flagrantly skewed or incorrect.

但诚实的说,这种想法是错误的。But quite frankly, this thinking is incorrect.

纹章甲不正确的着色被修正。Incorrect coloring of heraldic mails is fixed.

错误是pearlstein的第二个句子。Also incorrect is Pearlstein’s second sentence.

使用不正确或不存在的服务器密钥库Using incorrect or non-existing server keystore

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过度伸展或单一轨迹是错误的。Over-reaching and single tracking are incorrect.

下列选项中哪一种搭配是不正确的?Which of the following collocations is incorrect ?

你们不能容许我写下错误的内容You cannot let me write anything that's incorrect.