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燃烧的灯芯在朦胧中变得红通通的一片。The burning light-wick appears as a whole splotch of redness in the murkiness of her eyes.

今年即将毕业的研究生已经感受到就业市场的低迷。This year soon graduates the graduate student already felt the employment market the murkiness.

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但是她得益于普遍的观念,即哲学著作的晦涩难懂正好表明哲学思想的深刻。But she is the beneficiary of the widespread belief that philosophical murkiness signals philosophical profundity.

一个行事神秘的专制国家的国有电视台谴责百度的暗箱操作似乎有点过头了。It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.

对于行事保密的威权国家的国有电视台来说,谴责百度讳莫如深似乎有点过了。It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.

这在一定程度上是因为,债券市场难以捉摸,让这类指数基金难以管理。But bond index funds are rarer than stock funds, in part because the murkiness of the bond market makes them hard to manage.

没人告诉他们,他们的风格中挤入了多少多余或晦涩的成分,以及这些成分又是如何阻碍着他们的表达。Nobody has shown them how much excess or murkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say.

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星星渐稀,天上罩着一层似云又似雾的灰气,暗淡,可是比以前高起许多去。The stars grew fainter and the sky, shrouded by a murkiness that could have been clouds or mist, seemed much higher than before.

这代表了绝大多数购房者的心态,所以,目前市场的低迷,也是自然而然的。This has represented the overwhelming majority home-buyer's point of view, therefore, at present market murkiness , is also naturally.

他表示有信心,维斯菲尔德伦敦店能经受住“这次低迷,下次低迷和下下次低迷”。He indicates has the confidence, the Vyse Fielder London Shop can undergo "this murkiness , next time murky and under next time murky".

在中国,由于商业关系的黑暗,尤其是和政府有牵连的,使像黄先生这样的企业家很容易遭到质疑。The murkiness of business relationships in China, particularly with government, makes entrepreneurs like Mr Huang vulnerable to suspicion.

对于山东鲁能近期的低迷,成耀东用“低谷期”这个词为对手作了注解。Regarding the Shandong Luneng near future murkiness , Cheng Yaodong will use "the trough time" this word to make the illustration for the match.

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事实上水星同一等星一样明亮,但是暮色和地平线的阴暗常常模糊了她的光辉。Mercury is actually as bright as a first-magnitude star, but the twilight haze and the murkiness by the horizon often obscure the planet's luster.

水星实际上比发出比第一级行星更耀眼的光,但因为黄昏的阴霾,在地平线的含糊不清,往往掩盖了地球的光泽。Mercury is actually as bright as a first-magnitude star, but thehaz twilight e and the murkiness by the horizon often obscure the planet's luster.

这条阴郁的暗河是因为尘埃吸收了背景的星光所致,即使云气里多半都是氢和分子气体。The murkiness of the Dark River is caused by absorption of background starlight by dust, although the nebula contains mostly hydrogen and molecular gas.

尽管这一次的攻击已经相隔渐远了,但还是能认为对于一个不公开,专制的国家所有的电视台来说,对百度的暗中交易的批评次数好像有点多了。The latest attacks go further, though. It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.

她右面黑夜的阴暗被熄灭的灯芯和在手上被无力地拿着的钝黄铜烛台扩大了。The murkiness of the annihilating darkness to her right is amplified by the extinguished taper and blunt brass of the candlestick she carries limply in her hand.

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日本白皮书表达了对中国快速军事建设,国防预算的不透明,以及处理国际冲突的自信的关注。The Japanese white paper expressed concerns over China's rapid military buildup, the murkiness of its defence budget, and its assertiveness in dealing with international conflicts.

桥下彻表示这个道歉申明并没有说明这种行为是在“政府意愿”下行使的,并且这种含糊不清也导致了日本和韩国在这个问题上的长期存在争论。Hashimoto said the apology does not say whether the operation was run under "state will" and that such murkiness has contributed to longstanding disputes between Japan and South Korea over the issue.