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塑胶金属PU漆,铝粉漆,汽车修补漆。Plastic and metal PU coating, sparking silver coating, car refinish.

一个被雇来修复或修整古代设备的技术工人。A skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish antique furniture.

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哪怕是旧家具,只要重新上上漆,看起来就像全新的一样。Don’ be afraid to take old furniture and refinish it so it will look brand new.

你可以修整或重新给你的桌子涂漆,整理衣橱,擦窗户或者洗地毯。You can paint, refinish your table, reorganize closets, wash windows, and shampoo rugs.

你能油漆或油漆的橱柜和改变旋钮和处理,以获得新的面貌呢?Can you paint or refinish the cabinetry and change the knobs and handles to get the new look ?

它实际上是比较容易以油漆一木地板如果您要注意什么,你正在做的。It is actually rather easy to refinish a wood floor if you pay attention to what you are doing.

介绍了影响汽车色彩的因素和汽车修补漆的涂装方法。The influence factors to automobile color and the coating process of automobile refinish topcoat are introduced.

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让我们来看看相关的步骤之一,需要做的,以便能够成功地修补他的硬木地板。Let's take a look at the pertinent steps that one needs to do to be able to successfully refinish his hardwood flooring.

用于高级塑料涂装,汽车及配件涂装和工艺品涂装等。Particularly suitable for plastic coatings , automotive refinish coatings , car-accessories coatings , art-craft coatings , etc.

几乎每一个人都懂用工具,懂得简单的下水道或电力装置的修理,还会修家具,刷墙。Nearly everyone knows how to use tools, make simple repairs to plumbing or electrical fixtures, refinish furniture or paint a wall.

磨削,这是一类是整形修补磨损皮肤代替你的皮肤与新胶原蛋白和表皮。Dermabrasion , is a type of plastic surgery that is meant to refinish your skin by replacing the abraded skin with new collagen and epidermis.

了解有关应用胶带修补在这家的门门框重塑免费视频从一个木匠,经验丰富的专家完成验房。Learn about applying tape to refinish a door jamb in this free house remodeling video from an expert finish carpenter and experienced home inspector.

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在这样的情况下,要使发动机保持良好的工作状态,只有整修气缸表面,并配装新的活塞和活塞环。In such a case, the only way to get the engine Back into good operation condition is to refinish the cylinders and fit new pistons and new rings to them.

了解有关申请第二底漆在这个自由来修补房子的门门框重塑从专家和有经验的木匠家里完成检查视频。Learn about applying second primer coat to refinish a door jamb in this free house remodeling video from an expert finish carpenter and experienced home inspector.

这是因为一旦破坏了表面的防锈漆,铁艺制品很容易生锈,所以在使用中发现漆皮脱落要及时用特制的“修补漆”修补,以免生锈。This is because once the damage to the surface of the paint, rusty iron products easily, so use that paint off in time with a special "refinish" repair, to avoid rust.