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今天空气里是飘着屎吗?Is it excrement floating in the air today?

他们是腐烂的生物,狗屎抹不上墙。These rotten beings are excrement walling.

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实际上,鼻屎,是我们的好朋友。In fact, nose excrement is our good friend.

我开奔驰,你挖鼻屎。I leave run quickly, you dig nose excrement.

我的主要任务是分析人体排泄物。My main role was to analyse human excrement.

听上去怕怕的。我想想看。鸟的排泄物?Ok, sounds creepy. Let me guess. The bird excrement?

但爱情却把它的居所设在排泄之所“Love has pitched his mansion in the place of excrement."

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当我们无聊时,我们可以挖鼻屎。When we feeling boring, we can to dig out nose excrement.

也就是说它们的排泄物里富含各种纤维和营养物。That means their excrement is rich in fibres and nutrients.

像小三这种可恶的家伙,只能演电视剧里的一陀粪。Like small three nasty guy, only one tuo excrement in the TV show.

单身总比和研究排泄物的笨蛋在一起好吧。Being alone is much better than with a prick who studies excrement.

他、他的妻子、他的儿子还被强迫吃屎。He, his wife, and his son were also forced into a heap of excrement.

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他从中国南方的一个大熊猫繁殖中心收集大熊猫的粪便。He collects the excrement from a panda breeding center in southern China.

但丁不受污秽物攻击的影响,比如大胖的呕吐,排泄攻击。Dante is immune to excrement attacks such as the Glutton's ranged attacks.

当初的你强大到死!现在的你脆弱成屎粑粑!At the beginning of your strong to die! Now the excrement BaBa you vulnerable!

近日,日本一位科学家利用人类粪便制造出了“人粪汉堡”。A Japanese scientist has developed a 'meat' burger made out of human excrement.

耶赞的高烧真的是“高烧”,不时的他会在自己的秽物里抽动一下。Yezzan was burning with fever squirming fitfully in a pool of his own excrement.

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送你一份有屎已来粪量最重的礼物!Send you one has excrement to already came the gift with mucky the heaviest volume!

翻斗里的存水隔断了粪便通道的回气。The reserved water in the dump bucket obstructs return air in an excrement passage.

他不吃,结果就有人用火钳撬开他的嘴。Then tongs were used to prise his mouth open after he refused to swallow excrement.