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我们卖了她们,直到枯萎。We sold them, to wither.

为何会在山谷中凋萎?Should wither in the vale?

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如今我得以凋萎,而成真理。Now I may wither into the truth.

薰衣草的甜蜜,永不会凋去!Lavenders sweet , tho it wither !

这些盛期已过的玫瑰即将凋谢。The overblown roses are to wither and fall.

一千个嫩芽开花,枯萎,死亡。A thousand buds flower, then wither and die.

愿他们赢得的桂冠永不凋零。May the wreathes they have won never wither.

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或者,如果我们看不到这潜能,它就会像刚萌芽的幼苗一样被扼杀,it,will,depreciate—Or if we don't appreciate it, wither and die.

必在生长的畦中枯乾了。it shall wither in the furrows where it grew.

所以请停止喂养它,尽快让它覆灭吧。So stop feeding it and let it wither on the vine.

在发芽,在枯萎,在飘零。At the germination, Be wither away, Be float zero.

我们不能任由粤剧艺术日渐凋零。We can't let the art of Cantonese opera wither away.

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同样植物也许凋枯或死由于缺乏水。Similarly, plants may wither or die for lack of water.

必将在枯萎中重生,花蕾的成长,清幽的芬芳。Bound to wither in the rebirth, bud growth, quiet fragrance.

人们的环保计划会因为酷暑而取消吗?Will people's environmental intentions wither in a heatwave?

冬天到了,树叶在凄冷的寒风中萎落了。It's winter now, and leaves wither and fall in the cold wind.

如果我们遵循回归理智的道路,基地组织就会枯萎。If we follow the path of returning to sanity, they will wither.

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到底是瓜熟地落还是枯黄凋落?Is everything coming to fruition or to wither without anything?

能生出美好指望的心是永远不会凋败的。A heart, which can bear beautiful expectation, will never wither.

所以说最后,最好的办法,就是小心的让他们解体消亡。The wisest move, in the end, is to carefully let them wither away.