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凌虐小孩是一个敏感的话题。Child molestation is a touchy subject.

这种社会性的失礼,是对小孩子的骚扰。There's social faux pas around the molestation of children.

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2005年,迈克尔。杰克逊因猥亵儿童罪的指控受到审判。In 2005, Michael Jackson went to trial on child molestation charges.

光明会一开始试图利用针对他的猥亵儿童的指控来诋毁他。The Illuminati initially attempted to discredit him through child molestation charges.

1993年,迈克尔首次因为涉嫌猥亵男童,被一名13岁男孩和其父亲起诉。In 1993 Jackson was first accused of child molestation by a 13-year old boy and his father.

1993年,迈克尔首次因为涉嫌猥亵男童,被一名13岁男孩和其父亲起诉。In 1993 Jackson was first accused of child molestation by a 13-year-old boy and his father.

亵童案结束后他曾分别在巴林、爱尔兰及法国生活过。Jackson has spent time in Bahrain, Ireland and France since the child molestation case ended.

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浦东新区人民检察院以涉嫌猥亵儿童罪批准了这一逮捕。The Pudong New Area People's Procuratorate approved the arrest on charges of child molestation.

丹娘没有任何过错,我不能眼睁睁看着她被你们活活折磨死。The Dan Niang has not fault, I tin no helplessly looking at her be lived molestation dead by you.

是的,在加利福利亚,杰克森确实在那严重的娈童案中被判无罪。Yes, Jackson was acquitted in a terribly prosecuted child molestation criminal trial in California.

在这场娈童案件的审判中,泰勒从始至终支持杰克逊,强调他的无辜。Indeed taylor supported Jackson throughout that child molestation trial, always affirming his innocence.

他像孩子一样天真无邪,但1993年,一名13岁男孩控告他猥亵儿童。He was childlike. But in nineteen ninety-three, a thirteen-year-old boy accused him of child molestation.

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四年前当他因亵童指控站在加州法庭上时,他的音乐事业已停滞不前。Jackson's career was all but comatose four years ago when he stood trial for child molestation in California.

娈童案达成庭外和解与杰克逊据说男孩百万美元支付。The child molestation case was settled out of court with Jackson reportedly paying the boy millions of dollars.

利用相应的色彩变换最大限度地去除颜色的干扰信息,突出害虫本身。Color-counterchanging can mostly wiped off molestation information caused by color and standout the pest itself.

杰克逊曾被控告猥亵儿童罪,但2006年3月在加州圣玛丽亚的一次被大肆炒作的庭审后被宣判无罪。He was acquitted of child molestation charges after a well-publicized trial in Santa Maria, California, in March 2006.

在2005年进行的审判中的眩光世界媒体的焦点,杰克逊被清除了娈童案起诉。In the 2005 trial conducted in the glare of the world's media spotlight, Jackson was cleared of child molestation charges.

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另一则新闻说道,该脱口秀的播出遭到了猛烈抨击,因为它特意将杰克逊家族的特别节目放在一期“猥亵儿童”的节目后。On the other news, the show is slammed for airing the Jackson family special back-to-back with a child molestation episode.

在2003年被指控虐童后这位天王巨星的演艺生涯就进入了低谷。The singer's career had been in steady decline after a series of allegations of child molestation that led to his arrest in 2003.

据报道,面对性骚扰指控,迈克尔·杰克逊聘用佩里加诺,后者自称发现了原告家庭的可怕信息。Facing molestation charges, Michael Jackson reportedly used Pellicano, who claims he found damning info about the accuser's family.