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VOA新闻,艾米莉·奥柏于金沙萨为您播报。Emilie Iob, for VOA News, in Kinshasa.

我有个兄弟,他住在金沙萨,是个生意人。My brother lives in Kinshasa where he is a trader.

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而且我发现,金沙萨的几乎每个人都爱老六。As I found out, nearly everyone in Kinshasa loves the Sapeurs.

基桑加尼,斯坦雷维尔扎伊尔北部一城市,位于刚果河边金沙萨东北。A city of northern Zaire on the Congo River northeast of Kinshasa.

正在进行非洲七国之旅的克林顿夫人当时在金沙萨发表演讲。Mrs Clinton was speaking in Kinshasa during a seven-nation trip through Africa.

正在进行非洲七国访问之旅的克林顿夫人当时在金沙萨发表演讲。Mrs Clinton was speaking in Kinshasa during a seven-nation trip through Africa.

世界卫生组织已收到关于金沙萨发生伤寒严重持续暴发的报告。WHO has received reports of a significant, ongoing outbreak of typhoid fever in Kinshasa.

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金沙萨排名第六,第以此出现在前10名的,其次是上海,日内瓦,恩贾梅纳,和北京。Kinshasa was ranked sixth, appearing in the top 10 for the first time, followed by Shanghai, Geneva, N'Djamena, and Beijing.

图中,解放刚果-扎伊尔民主力量同盟的一名娃娃兵在巡逻,1997年5月21日摄于金沙萨。Here, a child soldier from the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire patrols in Kinshasa on May 21, 1997.

金沙萨和加丹加目前一共缺少1,400兆瓦的电力,而因加的全部人口目前才只享有1,750兆瓦!Together Kinshasa and Katanga currently have a shortfall of 1,400 MW, while the entire production at Inga is currently at 1,750 MW!

与当地人的收入相比,朱巴是世界上生意启动成本第二高的城市,仅次于民主刚果的金沙萨。Relative to local incomes, Juba is the second most expensive city in the world in which to start a business, after Congo’s Kinshasa.

已向金沙萨派遣两名流行病学家、一名健康促进人员和一名后勤人员,以支持疫情应对活动。Two epidemiologists, a health promotion officer and a logistician have been deployed to Kinshasa to support the response operations.

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世卫组织国家办事处、区域办事处和总部协助该国卫生部在金沙萨以及疫情发生地开展工作。The WHO Country Office, Regional Office and Headquarters supported the MoH in Kinshasa and in the field at the location of the outbreak.

世卫组织驻国家办事处,区域办事处和总部正在金沙萨和疫区所在的现场对卫生部提供支持。The WHO Country Office, Regional Office and Headquarters are supporting the MoH in Kinshasa and in the field at the location of the outbreak.

基桑加尼,斯坦雷维尔扎伊尔北部一城市,位于刚果河边金沙萨东北。1883年由探险家亨利·M·斯坦利建立。人口282,650。A city of northern Zaire on the Congo River northeast of Kinshasa. It was founded in1883 by the explorer Henry M. Stanley. Population, 282, 650.

扎伊尔中南部一城市,位于金沙萨东南偏东。该市建于884年,现在为农业地区的贸易中心。人口290,898。A city of south-central Zaire east-southeast of Kinshasa. Founded in 884, it is the trade center of an agricultural region. Population, 290,898.

从哈瓦那、金沙萨、河内,到芝加哥、密尔沃基、亚特兰大,人们买来种子,播种在窗台、屋顶或是社区的小花园里。In windowsills, on rooftops and in community gardens, they’re burying seeds in Havana, Kinshasa and Hanoi—and in Chicago, Milwaukee and Atlanta.

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这是在和平时期的金沙萨综合医院的急诊室,这家医院是刚果民主共和国最大的医院。It was peace time in the Accident and Emergency Department of the Kinshasa General Hospital, the biggest hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

世卫组织驻金沙萨的国家办事处已得到加强,以便在应对关于提供此次疫情信息的外部要求方面向卫生部提供支持。The WHO Country Office in Kinshasa has been strengthened to provide support to the MoH in responding to external requests for information on this outbreak.

女孩将此颗钻石拿给她的叔叔,后者将钻石卖给本地的钻石商业商,商业商随后将此颗钻石卖给黎巴嫩买主并随之运作出都门金沙萨。The girl gave the diamond to her uncle, who sold it to some local African diamond dealers, who in turn sold it to a group of Lebanese buyers operating out of Kinshasa.