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一旦银行倒闭,它们就会摧毁经济。When banks fail, they devastate the economy.

扑灭冲击到底在哪些方面比破甲好?。In what ways is Devastate better than Sunder Armor?

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扑灭冲击比破甲产生更多的威胁值吗?。Does Devastate generate more threat per hellot than Sunder Armor?

移动中得蜂群可以完全摧毁祂们途经得步兵。Moving buzzers completely devastate the infantry they go through.

慢性胰腺炎则折磨人多年。Chronic forms of pancreatitis can devastate a person’s life over many years.

耶和华如此说、迦勒底人哪、起来上基达去、毁灭东方人。Thus says the Lord, Arise, go up to Kedar And devastate the men of the east.

在印度,大量的栖地流失造成孟加拉虎的数量持续减少。In India, massive habitat loss continues to devastate Bengal tiger populations.

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警报警告说,巨大的风暴潮可能会摧毁沿海的村庄和城市。It warned of huge storm surges that could devastate coastal villages and cities.

那末相比较破甲而言,扑灭冲击是否比其拥有更高的每一点肝火产生威胁值?。Does Devastate always generate more threat per rage point spent than Sunder Armor?

男人的怒气,吹进女人的心坎,会摧残参天大树。Man's anger, blows woman's pit of the stomach, can devastate the towering big tree.

如果当前的破甲效果层数是0至4之间,毁灭打击会在目标上作用一个破甲效果。If the number of Sunders is between 0 and 4, Devastate will apply a Sunder to the mob.

中国可以提高利率来抑制高物价,但是这会摧毁增长。China could increase interest rates to temper rising prices, but that would devastate growth.

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一个美国的空中突击行动将摧毁朝鲜的工业,港口,运输和政治目标。A US air blitz would devastate North Korea’s industry, ports, transport and political targets.

像这样的爆炸能摧毁地球上的生物,但对木星来说只不过像被蜜蜂螫了一下而已。Explosions like this would devastate life on Earth. For Jupiter, they were no more than a bee sting.

可是当我对一个零破甲的怪物开怪时,我的第一次毁灭打击的伤害经常低于121点。When I first engage a mob with zero Sunders , my first Devastate usually deals less than 121 damage.

可是当我对一个零破甲的怪物开怪时,我的第一次扑灭冲击的危险经常低于121点。But when I first engage a mob with zero Sunders, my first Devastate usually deals less than 121 damage.

气候的变化将会导致这里野火的发生更为频繁,该地区的生态系统会因此而被摧毁殆尽。This change in climate is leading to more frequent wildfires, which could devastate the region’s ecosystems.

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西玛说,“允许这些物种继续进入国内、摧毁我们的经济和生态是不能容忍的解决方案。”Allowing these species to continue to come in and devastate our economy and ecology isn't an acceptable solution.

当气旋毁灭一座城市,房屋在突如其来的地震中倒塌时,人们最迫切需要的是就医。When cyclones devastate a city, when homes collapse in a sudden earthquake, the most urgent need is medical attention.

这些混编单位可以毁灭大量部队,而且只会有比对手少得多的损失。The combination of these units can devastate a large force, and cost a lot less to make than your opponent's force did.