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但是这个主意确实伴随着某些利益权衡。But the initial idea was accompanied by some hardheaded trade-offs.

萨克斯无懈可击的分析,并不止步于推导和建议。Jeff's hardheaded analysis does not stop at why and how to do all this.

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所谓“脚踏实地”,地面在家居建设中举足轻重。Alleged " hardheaded " , the ground holds the balance in living in construction.

韩磊彻底顿悟,决定脚踏实地做人,开始新的人生。Han Lei complete satori, the decision is hardheaded be an upright person, begin new life.

这种‘三角法’是脚踏实地的数据分析加上商业常识的配合。This ‘triangulation’ is the combination of hardheaded data analysis, coupled with business nous.

同时,他和他的拯救者们表现出一种难以置信却又冷静的坚忍不拔。At the same time, he and his rescuers displayed an unbelievable level of hardheaded toughness and resilience.

“他们都有比较强的社会良知,但都是同样的实用和脚踏实地”,Panetta说。"They both have strong social conscience but both are equally practical and hardheaded as well," Panetta said.

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关于自我与自我意识的概念一直是近几个世纪来务实的理性主义的基础。The notion of ego and self-awareness has been the bedrock of the hardheaded rationalism of the last few centuries.

它们现在仍对东边的大邻居感到忧心忡忡,而它们的加盟又让欧盟在俄罗斯问题上的争辩更加强硬。They remain worried by their big neighbour to the east, and their presence has made EU debates on Russia more hardheaded.

我总是能看到他有力的控着球,不管是面对强壮型、稳定型还是智慧型后卫,他都游刃有余。I saw not only his immense strength in keeping big lumbering, hardheaded defenders at bay to trick and outsmart them every time.

王树彤说,梦想高远而脚踏实地,是一直引导她自己职业生涯向上发展的一个座右铭。Wang Shutong says, the dream is tall far and hardheaded , it is a maxim that guides herself profession career to develop up all the time.

雄浑的贺兰山在宏大壮阔的外在气象之下,展示着厚重和坚实,涵养着银川人务实、诚信的品质和脚踏实地、任劳任怨的作风。Helan Mountain shows us a grand and solid feeling, which builds practical and honest character, a hardheaded and indefatigable working styles.

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由于持续接触激进的演讲和充斥暴力信息的印刷品和电子传媒,使人的暴力的一面逐渐显露。Due to perpetual exposure to fierce speeches and violence generating print and electronic media the exposed individuals develop hardheaded outlook.

村民们和他的子女们同样认他作“老书记”,吴和蔼、慈祥的风度举止下埋藏着无懈可击的冷静和坚定。Known to villagers and his children alike as "Lao Shuji, " or Old Secretary, Wu has a genial, grandfatherly demeanor that belies a hardheaded steeliness.

亚彩以为他假装扮成有钱人,于是劝马须仁应当脚踏实地做人,两日在交往中渐渐坠入爱河。Inferior colour thinks he pretends to play the part of wealthy person, persuade Ma Xuren then ought to hardheaded be an upright person, two days fall in love gradually in association.

为了追求这些利益,我们应该从事一些脚踏实地的分析,充分计算使用武力的成本和收益,与使用其它可以支配的工具相比较,看是否值得。In pursuit of those interests, we should be engaging in some hardheaded analysis of the costs and benefits of the use of force compared to the other tools of influence at our disposal.