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投机房一定是空房。Speculative housing must be available.

理论通常是假设性的。Theory is very often a purely speculative undertaking.

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风险资本改头换面进入投机热。Venture capital transmogrified into speculative fever.

但是,这和芬纳悲观的预测一样都是推测性的。But this is as speculative as Fenner's gloomy forecast.

投机市场就像狗尾巴一样摇晃。The speculative market is like the tail wagging the dog.

但这样只会吸引更多的投机资本。But doing that would only attract more speculative capital.

大举贷款,哄抬物价,这些投机行为日渐疯狂。A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work.

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除此之外,任何结论均只能看作是推理性的。Beyond that, any conclusions must be regarded as speculative.

讲话的思辨性极强,听起来很有逻辑。His talking is full of speculative thinking, it sounds quite logical.

在此场景中,我们需要检测交易系统中的投机行为。In this scenario, we need to detect speculative action in a trade system.

并且每一个推测性的踌躇都将为符合实际的公共祝福所解决。and every speculative scruple will be solved by practical public blessing.

一切买卖都可分为投机性买卖和投资性买卖。All trading can be divided into speculative trading and investment trading.

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我的朋友是金乡的老陈,我也想加入他的“投机家。”My friend is Jinxiang old Chen, I also want to join his" speculative home."

更值得注意的是,投机热潮已经紧紧覆盖了冬虫夏草市场。Notably, a speculative craze has gripped the market for caterpillar fungus.

他们疯狂的投机毁掉了股东,客户和经济。Their speculative frenzies ruined shareholders, customers, and the economy.

投机的泡沫建立在赌局之上,以此作为其自身的基础。The speculative bubble was based on a bet that served as its own foundation.

今日中国流露出了许多空前绝后的狂热的踪迹。China today exhibits many of the tell-tale signs of a great speculative mania.

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然而,限制或禁止投机交易的做法或许弊大于利。However, limiting or banning speculative trading might do more harm than good.

非形态学的转移潜力的指标大部分是随机性的。Non-morphological criteria of metastasizing potential are largely speculative.

十九世纪八十年代,澳大利亚地产市场掀起一股投机热潮。During the 1880s there was a speculative boom in the Australian property market.