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不客气的说,金钱万能。Bluntly stated, money talks.

“他是我的病人,”她毫不客气的说。He's my patient, " she said bluntly ."

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老实说罢,这是自欺欺人的梦话。Putting it bluntly , this is dream talk.

“那是生活,”他直率地回答,“那是现实的,是真正的。"It is life, " he replied bluntly. "It is real.

马尔罗伊率直地强迫人们用更少的水。Mulroy bluntly forced citizens to use less water.

他是个直爽的人,向来都是直话直说。He is a forthright person and always talks bluntly.

“我敢肯定,你可以用这笔钱,”他说,坦率地指出。"I'm sure you could use the money, " he said, bluntly.

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尾部逐渐变细,尾尖钝圆。Tail is slender, gradually tapering to bluntly pointed tip.

“你在拐弯那里打谁呢?”奥古斯丁直言不讳地问。"What were you shooting at, at the bend?" Agustin asked bluntly.

萨尔科奇率直地说美国没能在环境问题上牵头。The US is failing to lead on the environment, Sarkozy says bluntly.

“让她快点的嫁出去,尽可能的快。”瘦骨伶仃的医生直言不讳的说道。"Marry her off, quick as you can, " the lean old doctor replied bluntly.

“欧洲经济是年年衰退啊,”他说的很直接,“三十年河东,三十年河西。”“The European economy is in decline,” he said bluntly. “Times have changed.

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但,正如一个侦查员所直述“我们又空中支援,塔利班有简易炸弹”。But, as one Scout bluntly put it, "We have air support. The Taliban has IEDs.

本人在昆士兰州的一个村落小镇长年夜,那边的人们老是有话直说。I grew up in a Queensland country town where people spoke their minds bluntly.

杰克直言,“如果我们想得到他的选票,我们必须把曼德拉带到加勒比。”Jack bluntly told us that if we wanted his vote, we must bring Mandela to the Caribbean.

他还直率地讲到,有必要促进民主、宗教自由和妇女权力。And he spoke bluntly of the need to promote democracy, religious freedom, and women's rights.

但是“将军”直率地告诉他并未将卡带在身上,因为他早知道她的企图。Yet he bluntly tells her that he did not bring his card because he knows that what she wants.

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报纸曾经运载了直言地陈述的一个社论一半市议会是弯曲处。A newspaper once carried an editorial which stated bluntly that half the city council were crooks.

但是马布里则直率地表示,自己将会用实力夺回本应属于自己的先发位置。But Marbury then said bluntly that he will regain strength should use their own preemptive position.

几个小时之后,他把四个弟弟妹妹都叫到了客厅,直率地谈到了以后的生活。Hours later he gathered his brothers and sisters in the living room and talked bluntly about the future.